Name: Leone Marineau Age: 24 Gender: Female Occupation: Saxophone player Appearance: [hider=Image] [img=] [/hider] Personality: Leone is a dreamer, and has had her head among the clouds for most of her life. Her mother always told her to believe in herself and follow her dreams as she grew up. Of course, that's a lot easier said than actually done, which resulted in Leone being a nice person who refused to give up on anything, but also someone's who has been down on her luck and without a real job for most of her adult life. She loves music and playing the saxophone, even if it's just on a streetcorner of a city. She can be stubborn to a fault. Magic/Abilities: Leone's magic affinity deals with the manipulation and creation of sound. At first she may be able to silence a small area, mimic a voice she's heard, or create a sound without using any tools. Over time she would learn to adjust the frequency of a sound, where a low frequency could be potientially fatal and a high frequency could be used for sonar effects. Later she would become able to use sound waves as an invisible offensive and defensive weapon, which could travel through a wide variety of mediums as sound vibrations can move through a lot of different things. Bio: Leone grew up in Paris and has lived there for the majority of her life, even if there were times when she'd take extended road trips with whatever musicians she was currently playing with at that time. Her parents were average people and she was their second child. Her brother was several years older than Leone and started his own business that became relatively successful. Leone was into music already as a young child, and would make all kinds of ruckus wherever she went. Her parents put up with it as well as they could, and thankfully the ruckus was turned into music as she became older and started trying out different kinds of instruments. She eventually chose the saxophone as her favourite, took a lot of courses while in school and practiced whenever possible in her spare time. Leone graduated from school years later, and went on her first roadtrip with a band, thinking they'd get discovered and signed as they went to different countries to play the streets and events. It didn't happen, and when she returned she lived with a band member until she got kicked out. She performed whatever job she could get, and sometimes she had an apartment, other times she had to spend the night at home or at a friend's. Leone's been homeless and slept outside, but it was during the summer and she wouldn't want to imagine what it would be like during the winter. She discovered her magic while hungover and walking a busy street, by stopping all the loud noises from entering her ears and making her headache worse. At first she thought she was tripping and that someone might have put something in her drinks, but she silenced and dampened sounds when she tried it again days later. Leone didn't use it for much at first other than enhancing the sound of her saxophone when she played, but later found out about the changes in the world and how she might not be the only one with magic. Extra: Leone is a great saxophone player, and loves most music which has a good sax player. She prefers older music over what's popular in her day and age. She would never leave her saxophone behind, but it might not actually contribute much to her sound manipulation.