Shay glanced up to see Ramera's signal. Sun had received direct orders from Ravenia so they were the first to arrive to the gate. Shay found it odd though that Ramer'a sisters were not joining in with the signaling. As their signals were unique, Shay knew this and the subsequent signals for everyone else, was that of only Ramera. Normally all Harpies would signal together or at the very least take on one signal each for each group needed. For one Harpie to be calling made Shaylly realize just how dire their situation on hand really was. Shay was glad Isam and Fen had come with them to the Gate as it was becoming more clear how much help they would need. As Shay was looking for Marcus her eyes fell upon Jacob. She knew who Jacob was but had interacted with him on very few occasions. She didn't think he would know her name but knew he would recognize her face from their trainings by Ravenia and the Harpies. Shay would tilt her head up in greeting to Jacob if he made eye contact with her. She knew enough about him that he liked to be left alone and hardly socialized. While most people found this attitude of Jacob's arrogant, obnoxious and untrustworthy, Shay understood him. When she first came here she wanted nothing but to be left alone, which is why she spent so many nights at the gate with Marcus, sometimes without him. What she didn't understand was why Jacob felt he needed to live his life in such seclusion. She understood why she had gone through this phase, dealing with her brother's death and accepting a whole new kind of life here in the Paradise Land. But Jacob's seclusion seemed to be a way of life that he wanted indefinitely as he showed no signs of changing or desiring to change. Shay had never tried to interact with him before as she never had a proper moment that didn't involve her forcing herself upon him and interrupting his personal space. Perhaps today she would get to know him better. She knew he was either a boring insecure man or he was hiding a past that was secretly tormenting him; she had an idea it was the latter. Turning her head back towards Marcus, letting her arm drop softly away from Sun, Shay walked forward to meet him. She wanted to throw herself in to his chest, wrap her arms around him in a strong hug and tell him all she had been working on since they last spoke. She wanted to joke that his arm looked uglier than before and that he should think about getting an upgrade or a polish. It would be nice to laugh with him again, but for the moment with their urgent circumstance on hand she merely gave him a warm smile and listened closely as he spoke. Once she was given her orders, her smile had left her face and her brow had tightened in worry. "Yeah, absolutely" she nodded to him. "Marcus, it seems like an attack from the Dead is coming on a much larger scale than we are prepared for. Keep those gates locked if we don't come back alone." She paused then said "or if we don't come back at all." Shaylly was prepared to fight and die for this city and she could only imagine their Mother was as well. Shay turned back to Jacob. He would be the supplier for her solar car and would have some weapons on hand for her and whoever else would be joining her. Shay glanced to Isam, Fen and Sun for a moment. "Fen?" she asked, turning to look at him in his formidable wolf form, hoping she had his name right. "Will you come with me to meet Ravenia in the waste land? Sun, of course you're staying here." She didn't dare invite Sun out side of the city, making an unnecessary risk for him. Shay wasn't sure about inviting Isam as she didn't know what training he had. She knew he could help at the front of the gate. Unless Marcus directed them otherwise she would take only one with her in the car to Ravenia.