Aribelle stopped where she was, kneeling down to grab a twig. Using said twig, she drew a mark in the ground in case she finds herself going in circle. After all, it would suck if she were to wind up lost or something. Satisfied with the mark, she casually threw the twig over her shoulder and kept going with her hands in her pockets. Glancing around, she noticed a stunning lack of any wildlife. Then again, she hasn't been here very long, and there is the possibility that the guys in charge of the base had all the animals removed so that no bunnies wander into the machinery or something. Before she could think more about it, she had some branches in her way to grumble about. After shoving past them for a bit, she could have sworn she heard some- Spinning around, she lifted a forearm to block a branch that happened to be flexible enough that it swung back at her after she pushed it out of the way. "Heh, guess I'm smarter then like 50% of travelers in movies and shows," she joked before she kept going. If she had paid attention, she would have noticed that the branch that tried to smack her in the back of the head wasn't real. She would have noticed that the limb as attached to a fake tree that was placed there specifically to swing its branches at the unaware traveler, in order to stun someone incapable of defending themselves from such a simple blow with blunt force. As Aribelle left, the branch reset itself, so that it would look like it was a completely normal branch. --- "... I feel like I'm being watched," the blonde muttered, glancing about in suspicion. She was smart enough to know that if she actually turned to look, whoever is watching would know she was on to them. And who knows what would happen if that were the case. So, like earlier, she knelt down to look for a twig. However, in reality she was using the brush to sneak a look around. Noticing a camera, she smirked. So, they're watching her huh? Grabbing a handful of rocks, she stood up and kept going. If they're keeping an eye on her, they must be up to something. And while the handful of rocks isn't much of a weapon, it's still something she can use to defend herself if something were to happen.