Thane waited patiently for Astrid to stop speaking, the thin layer of smugness in her voice making him think that she was sure that she was making him uncomfortable by being so sloppily flirtatious. The touch of hers was incredibly unpleasant though and that alone had bothered him to some extent. Erin knew full well, as did many campers who were reasonably observant, that Thane had never instigated in touching anyone. His almost crippling fear of harming someone preventing him from so much as laying a hand on anyone. His fear only subsided when someone else has already instigated touching and with Astrid's arm around him, well, very well. It took two to tango and Thane loved to dance. [i]"Did you ever find my name carved into your headboard?"[/i] the daughter of Hephaestus asked, Thane's eyes drifting toward hers, his lips forming a small grin. Thane's being a pacifist was more a blessing than a curse, especially in situations like this. Before the Ares kids had aligned themselves with the Hades cabin, Thane had gotten into many fights with the kids and won a fair amount of them by tiring out his opponents. Thane was incredibly quick on his feet, perhaps a trait passed on from his father. His father had wings to soar through the skies quickly, he had killer calves. Thane's eyes darted down to Astrid's legs, quickly returning to her face as he wrapped an arm around her waist, sweeping her feet out from under her as his other hand rose to catch her. Thane moved in, pausing close to her face, his lips hovering just above hers. "How about you and I take a trip to my bed and find out." He nearly whispered, his eyes glowing like a predator about to pounce on its prey. Thane blinked heavily, his eyes watering up as his head suddenly leaned back, a large yawn escaping his mouth. He unceremoniously dropped the girl, his eyes returning to their typical dull state, his expression muted and unexcited. Thane stood up tall once more, giving Astrid a short lived glance before turning back to the others, stepping away from the redhead. He wiped his hands off on his pants, before shoving them into his pockets. "How much longer must we do this, Erin?" Thane sighed, almost sounding bored.