Go, adventure acquaintances, go. They had to do what must be done, because Akira was missing his warm bed at home more and more and everyone else seemed rather intent on sightseeing in the (admittedly pleasant) mystery murderous dimension place. Akira nodded agreeably with Mitsuki's comment. "Quite right, quite right. Nothing but delightful mediocrity from me, from here on out. I just needed to recruit the timeless hero to my cause. Lead the way, Ninja-chan. I'll keep track of how many experience points you need until the next level." She seemed reasonably competent, and Akira was more than happy to play sidekick if Mitsuki didn't expect him to actually do anything. The two reached the top of the stairs. Akira admittedly hadn't expected to find an indoors garden in the middle of a gallery, but who the hell was he to define the meaning of art? That was a topic that made people say lots of boring words for far longer than necessary. Wait. Waaait a minute. Oh, artist lady had sure gotten him. Upon further inspection, there weren't any real plants at all. Just a buncha paintings and sculptures. Good thing Akira realized that before he leaned in to smell the flowers, or some shit like that. In any case, there were four doors leading out of the room. "She's gotta be behind [i]one[/i] of these doors." He said, turning to Mitsuki. "You should open one, so I can passive-aggressively blame you when it turns out there's nothing there."