[b]Name:[/b] Lily Brooks [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Lily is of medium height, with long blonde hair which she's partly dyed pink. She has grey eyes. She almost always wears a light grey beanie on her head, except when asleep or showering. Lily prefers baggy clothes, and would be kind of unwilling to wear anything too feminine or revealing. [hider=Image] [img=https://i.imgur.com/0dFUt9C.jpg] [/hider] [b]Number of times at this camp:[/b] 2nd time. She was at the camp when she was 15 too. [b]Personality:[/b] Lily is open-minded, creative and intuitive, often found with a sketchbook in hand as she enjoys drawing anything that catches her eye, be it interesting, pretty or gross. She can be quick to jump to conclusions which may not be accurate that often. She sometimes gets lost in the moment, forgetting what she should be doing, that she hasn't eaten or slept in a while, especially when drawing. Lily keeps her belongings organized, hates being alone for extended periods of times and can be a bit wild. She is a cocky extrovert who likes being the centre of attention, but can still be rather reserved when asked about her life or true feelings. When it comes to her behaviour concercing her deeper friendships she is a trustworthy and gracious person, disliking people who might be mean to her friends. She is bad at handling criticism, particularly when it comes to her drawing skills. [b]History:[/b] Lily was born and raised in Los Angeles. Despite being a big city girl, she never had much against small towns, nature or the people who were from those parts. Her parents raised her to be open-minded towards other people's culture and lifestyles. It certainly helped that her favourite uncle, the person who always babysst and took care of Lily when her parents couldn't, was a flamboyant gay man in his fourties. He was Lily's role model for many years as she grew up, and she still thinks of him as such. He taught Lily how to draw, dress up and put on make-up. He brought her to her first nightclub, which incidentely was also her first gay club. She wasn't much more than a teenager, but her parents were out of town and her uncle was forced to fill in for someone who worked at the club. He didn't want to leave her alone. Unfortunately, not everyone is open-minded and tolerating of others. Her uncle was beaten to within an inch of his life and ended up in a wheelchair, barely able to take care of himself. The reason they did it was because of the way he dressed. Lily visits her uncle a lot, but ever since that happened she doesn't much care for dressing up or looking nice for others. She's developed a resentment for macho men and christians after her uncle's beating too. Lily would like to remain open-minded to everyone, but it's proven hard with all the hatred in the world. Her parents sent her to Camp Duskend for the first time the summer after her uncle ended up in a wheelchair, hoping to show Lily a different kind of environment. An environment she may never have come in contact with normally. Lily had only gone to tropical places on vacation before when leaving Los Angeles for more than a few days, but now she got to spend a whole summer at a camp. Her mood had improved once she returned back home, and she'd made new friends at the camp. [b]Why are you at this camp?:[/b] Lily didn't actually want to go this summer, nor did she plan it. She very much enjoyed her first summer at the camp though. Her parents forced her to go as a kind of punishment after one too many incidents. The first time she'd been at the camp she'd come back optimistic and happy, so they hoped the camp would have a positive influence on her again. Lily had planned on spending the summer with her friends from school, but her parents both agreed they were a bad influence on their daughter who had once been an innocent girl. Lily disagrees, but after the secret house party which took a week to clean up, a ruined family dinner and being arrested after skinny dipping in the public pool with a girlfriend she's understandably having a difficult time convincing her parents of anything.