...that's a little inconsistent, as you haven't mentioned [i]any[/i] spirits that can take physical form until now. What other types of "Greater Beings" are there? Demons? Lovecraftian horrors? My character's the one whose whole deal is that she communicates with these things, and I feel like I have very little understanding. Perhaps you could give us a section in the info post specifically detailing the various types of Magical Beings, from ascended ancestors to the recently dead to trickster gods to Zeus and Azathoth... :/ It might help. EDIT: My problem is that I have my own interpretations of these things, how I think Ouramancy should work and the types of Beings that are out there, etc, and they are obviously quite different from yours. Compounding that, even with the discussions we've had, this is a very complex branch of magic, and I need to know [i]exactly[/i] how you picture the Outer Planes (or whatever), exactly how an Ouramancer speaks to these spirits, and what the Magestrava can do with/to them (again, I have my own ideas, but you obviously have it all figured out already). I'm in the dark here, and my character background's going to suffer if I have to rewrite it because I got the magic wrong...