Ramera drew back her wings, landing heavily onto the wall. It was now apparent to Ramera that her sisters had gone out into the waste. However, this didn't change her situation. She was stationed onto the wall for at least the next twenty four hours. Still, she couldn't help feel worried for her sisters. [i]No. they'd be fine. They're two of the members of the Harpies Of Three, destined to watch over Paradise Land. They can watch out for themselves,[/i] Ramera thought to herself, feeling her tenseness ease. [i]That's right, they can take care of themselves,[/i] Ramera looked at the fighters on the ground that were already there and preparing to head out after the others. She studied their faces, first there was the infamous boy generator, Jacob she believed his name was. She could only see the side of his face, in which there was a concerned look displayed on his face while he looked into the red waste. He was indispensable to Paradise, more so than most realized, storing radioactive energy and moving it from place to place, she'd also heard rumors that he'd made the vehicle's that Paradise used. She disapproved of him risking himself in the waste, but wasn't about to go down and try to talk him out of it. She continued studying the group with him, she recognized their faces, but wasn't able to place any names. Then, she noticed the girl- No, boy that'd seen speaking with Ravenia earlier, and if she'd recalled correctly, Ravenia had said that he'd been the one who had foreseen the dead's appearance. Ramera assumed that that was his ability as a Blessed One. Ramera shook her head, thinking to herself, [I]I swear if he heads out too, then there goes the generator, doctor, leader, some of the best eyes, and the Oracle out into that wasteland.[/i] Nonetheless, they were doing their duty, so she couldn't really disapprove of their heading out. She ran her hand through her hair in mild frustration. [i]God was she contradicting herself today. [/i]She extended her wings, taking off, deciding to immerse herself in her watch duty to ignore some of the thoughts running through her head.