Appearance(Picture and a small description): [hider=Appearance][img=] [/hider] She is flat-chested and likes the keep her hair short. She can easily pass for human because the only sign of her faunus race, is a collection of scales that have grown on her chest and inner arms. She also has green snake-like eyes, but she hides them with contacts. She has a diagonal scar across the bridge of her nose, and a long scar from a gash to the side of her face. [hider=Clothes][img=][/hider] Without the hood and dog tags Name: Black Adder(she doesn't have a birth name, so if you don't want to call her that, make something up and hope she doesn't punch you for it) Race: Faunus, Reptilian, Snake Color: Jade Gender: Female Age: 19 Weapon(s): -Knuckle Dusters, They have a built in chamber to contain dust crystals, meant specifically to channel it in an electric form,it can generate electricity to shock her foes. The electricity is controlled by a dial that she controls with her thumbs. -Stun Rifle, It fires sticky darts contain an electric charge, primed by the firing mechanism. Upon impact it discharges an immense shock intended to incapacitate the enemy, however, in highly conductive environments, it could prove lethal. It was original silver in color, however, she repainted it with a non-reflective black paint. -Cryo grenades, A grenade canister that contains an ejection system wired to the primer and blue dust. Upon detonation, instead of an explosion like a normal grenade, it creates a flash freeze, intended to immobilize all within a radius of 5 meters. She carries varying amounts but starts with 4, and may carry more or less based on preference and job details. It is canister shaped and gray. Semblance: The ability to become completely invisible...except for her clothing. Cool in theory, totally useless in action. This fact doesn't change the fact that it's her semblance. History: Born in Vacuo, she never really got to know her parents. By the time she could walk, she was on the streets, an orphan that no one cared for. No one except the other "trash" that looked out for her. That was where she learned most of her skills. How to snatch some drone's wallet when he wasn't looking. How to make puppy eyes and get free food(that one hasn't been working since she's grown up, but whatever), and her favorite, how to sneak into the back of a restaurant and snatch food from the kitchen. When she was 11, she was caught trying to pick the pocket of one of the(unbeknownst to her) lieutenants in a local gang. That landed her in the deep end. Dragged back to the hide out, they decided to kick her around a bit and then sell her off to someone else. She ended up sold to an underground fighting ring in Mistral. Everything was new. She recognized nothing. She was nothing more than a servant for a year, doing whatever the fighters told her to do. Of course, before long, she ended up in the ring herself, fighting other children, it seemed that they were fighters though. She was no fighter at the time. She could barely hit the other fighters, let alone beat them. Pain is the fastest teacher though. Before long, and with enough observation, she was able to win the odd fight. With practice comes perfection. She was able to stand her own against her oponents. She even managed to earn her freedom by the time she was seventeen. She had grown sick of her life in Mistral, and not wishing to return to Vacuo, she stowed away on a ship bound for Vale. Once in Vale, she quickly returned to her pickpocket ways, and spent her time looking for a way to have a good fight on a regular basis that didn't involve the cops arresting her afterwards. It didn't take long for her to wander into Juniors club and fall in with him and his goons. It was a job, at least. Of course, the pistol and club didn't work for her for long. She quickly forced one of the local weapon dealers to "obtain" a special pair of brass knuckles for her. Her spirits were up. She was doing her job better than ever, especially since she had become aware of her semblance. It didn't help, but she liked it regardless. By the end of the year, she had grown sick of the pistol. It did its job, but that wasn't what she wanted. With a little research and some help from some underground contacts she'd managed to get out of Junior, she discovered a prototype gun, intended for police use, it was meant to be a stun rifle. Sneaking into facility was easy. Getting out was hard. She tripped an alarm when she wiped the experimental data from the computer(to own the only one) and ended up getting ambushed by security. She escaped, but not without proof of the encounter, a large gash running down the side of her face, and another diagonally across the bridge of her nose. She began to look for one more weapon. Something indirect that could help her when she couldn't see the enemy. Out of this wish, the cryo grenade began. One day she picked up a grenade and realized the answer was in her hand. This was a lethal weapon though. That wasn't what she wanted. Something a bit more style. The cryo grenade was born from a gas grenade.During this time, she met Gerald while hanging around Junior's bar one night. They hit it off and swapped stories. Thus their friendship and partnership began. Personality: She likes dealing out pain, maybe a bit too much. That's not to say she can't take any herself, actually, getting smacked around a bit is alright every now and then. Such is the life of an underground fighter. She's a bit of a sadist, pain is her game. She excels at interogations. She also has a thing for all things shiny and has a tendency to end up with wallets that don't belong to her. Its a quirk but she doesn't dislike it. This doesn't mean she isn't a professional though. The job comes before play after all. Extra Information: Her fighting style can only be described as street fighting. Nothing is off limits. Password: Red Like Roses