Fen turned his head to Shay and gave a yip of confirmation. He padded after her to the car, but he didn't shift back to his human form. As a wolf, Fenrir could run alongside the car and keep up. His legs were built for speed. The creature sat on his haunches as he watched Shay get in the car, practically squirming with excitement. He was anxious to see some action; it had been a while since he'd really done any good fighting. As the car left, Fen took off after it. --- Isam turned to the gate keeper, Marcus was his name, and half out his right hand to shake. "My name is Isam," He said briefly, "Whatever you need, I can help you with." He may not have been able to turn into a two ton wolf, but Isam was pretty capable. He hailed from a country that was plagued by constant war, and had fought to live almost every day of his life before entering the city. He was nothing if not determined.