Concubine? Assallya didn't relish the idea of returning to that life. While certainly she had been pampered and fawned over she had been nothing but a prized pet, an investment, a mere object and something shared amongst friends. No she had no yearnings for that. To be able to wander where she willed was something she'd grown to love. It had been worth running away and dancing atop tables in taverns until she'd enough coin to establish a proper profession- or rather, set of professions. For a moment she considered plain open defiance, considered telling him Urgathoa could go drown in her own blood drenched carcass for all she cared. However, this one sounded somewhat reverent and that lent her pause. One didn't meddle in the beliefs of zealots, at least not without caution and a suitably good disguise with which to impersonate a divine intervention. Then his hand caressed her jaw and her fingers clenched, and she resisted the urge to slap him. He, from what she gathered, would bear no reluctance towards striking her in return and with far greater efficiency. She considered dazing him, rendering him helpless for but a moment but then... where would she go? If she called for the guards would they do anything? In her estimation, it was as likely they would goad the large zealot on. "I will not return to that life," she said simply, keeping her cold blue eyes on his, trying to eke out anything beyond total submission. She didn't hold out hope for much but she had to try. "A partnership perhaps?"