[hider=CS][b]Name:[/b] Emil Raymond [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider2=Picture][img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/85/7a/38/857a38c3f35b4c6b1f06ccc66317ae1e.jpg[/img][/hider2] Emil is slightly short and thin for his age, but that doesn’t mean he would be delicate, he is still very good in sports. He is slightly younger looking than in the picture. The boy smiles almost all the time. People who think he is cool think his smile looks great, people who don’t like him call it annoying. Emil’s outfit is very typical boy’s outfit. He wears skate shoes almost all the time, even indoors, which annoys his mother. His hair colour seems to change depending on the light. In certain light he looks like a complete blonde, on the other light he is almost a lighter brunette. Emil's eyes are very light grey, which actually resembles the cloudy sky. [b]Number of times at this camp:[/b] Emil is there for the first time. [b]Personality:[/b] Emil yearns for something interesting to happen. He thinks that his life is the exact definition of the word boring. He may be half-American, which is pretty cool, but that’s about it. The divorce of his parents happened when he was so young that he doesn’t remember a thing about it, so no drama about it. It’s quite common anyway. His parents love him, he is pretty popular at school and, because of the financial support of his rather rich father, he is pretty well of. In his eyes, his life is so perfect that it’s dull. He yearns for action and drama and being a hero who overcomes any challenge. This is rather problematic if you don’t have challenges. Emil is somewhat cheerful person. Small things don’t bring him down, but boredom really does. He is always making jokes and loves the feeling of being liked and popular. He goes as far as bullies some people in his school, though he doesn’t even realise himself that it’s bullying. Emil thinks he is just joking and those people are boring nerds who don’t have a sense of humour. He doesn’t try to cover his insecurity by bullying others or anything like that, he seriously thinks that he is only being fun. The boy doesn’t seem to know the word fear, except when he is using it about someone else. Emil is brave to the point of foolhardiness, which sometimes causes him trouble. He questions authorities always when it’s convenient. [b]History:[/b] Emil’s parents met at his father’s business trip to Estonia. The father was an American businessman and her mother Estonian gymnasium-teacher. They fell in love, got married, got Emil and broke up in a time span of four years. Emil was born in USA, where the couple had lived. Emil was one when his parents divorced so he doesn’t remember anything of it. Emil’s mother decided to move back to Estonia and she took his son with him. The ex-couple agreed that Emil would spend every July and every other Christmas in USA with his father, the mother would speak also English with Emil so he would be bilingual and the father would financially help his son. Emil’s parents weren’t in the best terms anymore, but they managed to be mature enough to handle the situation in a way that was possibly the best for Emil. The social ongoing boy always made easily friends, whether it was his neighbourhood’s other kids, people in his father’s neighbourhood, classmates or the people who skateboarded at the same place as him. He had a great deal of friends and was well-liked by most of people, with few great exceptions: the people he bullied. Emil enjoyed being considered a cool kid, so he showed off his “sense of humour” by making fun of some others. He didn’t really realise that what he was doing was called bullying, the same thing which could destroy someone’s self-confidence completely and worse. He thought that as long as he didn’t hurt anyone physically, he was just making jokes and it was other’s fault if they didn’t get them. To prove that to him, he never got into trouble. Even once when one of the people he bullied told about it to teachers, he got off with merely words “Make sure that you will make jokes which everyone understands in the future”. Emil was rather nice kid to his mother and teachers till the age of twelve. He mostly did his homework, obeyed time to come home when he remembered and didn’t talk back to teachers. He was maybe impish but not rebellious. But few months before he turned thirteen he became what one could call a problematic teenager. Emil stayed out too late, started to smoke and drink, disobeyed teachers and his mother and was even cooler kid than he was before. His mother grew tired in this very soon. She sent his son to USA for the whole summer instead of just one month, partly to keep him away from his friends who weren’t the best role models, partly to have some freedom for herself. She was emotionally very tired and hoped that her ex-husband could be a better role model for their son. Emil was only overjoyed about that. He saw America as the coolest country of the world. Estonia, on the other hand, was a small, not very rich and extremely boring. There seemed to happen absolutely nothing, while in USA there were terrorist attacks, shootings and ultimate idiots, though for his luck he had only encountered idiots. Emil didn’t really call it luck though. [b]Why are you at this camp?:[/b] His father had to suddenly go for a business trip to China and he couldn’t take his son with him, but didn’t want to send him back to his mother either. Emil was also interested in going to a camp. He wanted to meet new people and see what American camps were like. His father also suspected that Emil might smoke and decided to sort of outsource the problem to the camp staff. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] Emil is bilingual, speaking both Estonian and English, but with an accent. He sometimes pronounces hard words slightly like they’re written and her way to speak is smoother than usual American English. The boy also has sometimes small problems with vocabulary.[/hider]