[img=http://mahoumagic.weebly.com/uploads/4/9/5/0/4950624/7431263.jpg] Name: James Feryana Age: 14 Role in school: Student Class: Archery Race: Human Backstory: James was born to a not-so-wealthy family. The family wasn't completely poor, but they weren't rich, either. James went to an archery club quite often, and that was what got him into archery. He wanted to be a hunter when he was older, make money off of hunting and the like. His parents secretly got him a wolf, which he was happy with. He named her 'Dawn'. Over the years of growing up, James honed his eyesight to be extraordinarily good. He used his bow every day at an archery range, getting quite good with his bow. He got to keep his short bow with him instead of leaving it at the archery range, as he was quite responsible with it. Personality: James is normally kind, responsible and innocent, but he is really, really shy. He is made upset really easily, and is made angry quite easy, as well. He cares for his friends a lot, but cares for Dawn even more. She is like a sister to him. James is quite fond of nature. Special Traits and abilities: James has really good eyesight, and is able to see things a far distance away. He is quite accurate with shots from his bow, and has good hand-eye coordination. He is also kind of smart. James is quite good at hiding, as well. Family in school: None. Weapon of choice: James uses a short-bow along with a quiver of arrows. Pet: James has a pet wolf, whom he named 'Dawn'. The wolf is female, and she has a light grey coat. She is a friendly wolf, but very protective over James.