I want to do a roleplay based on the book series GONE by Michael Grant. Not an exact replica, there are a few details I would particularly like to tweak, such as no powers, but this is completely up for discussion. I particularly like the idea of isolating a population of teenagers from adults and letting the ensuing chaos happen. Kind of torn between starting the roleplay at the moment (or just before) the incident happens, or if we should start it a significant time into the event. Obviously this is going to be violent (Grant done very well depicting this), strong language (don't tell me teenagers don't swear heavily), probably some sexual references (like a PG-13 tops, take it to the PMs otherwise) and some seriously disturbing images (hopefully, I like to shock people). My basic idea is that we have 3 sets of groups, the republican team, the totalitarian state, and the savage raider clan. All three are at war, but the raiders are the biggest threat. They are insane (imagine the tale about the Reavers from Firefly and Serenity, realised they are totally alone and never getting rescued and their minds broke), and willing to do anything. As tensions increase between the three factions, what will happen; will a truce be brokered or will an all-out civil war emerge to decimate the remaining souls? Will a hero arise to save everyone, will common sense prevail, or will ashes feed the trees and bones feed the dogs? Any ideas, tips, whatever, let me know.