Jacob turned as he saw the away team getting ready to leave. Since it seemed one of the humans was leading the charge, she would need weapons. Jacob motioned for them to wait, and slid back down the wall, and to a door on the side. Punching in his code on the keypad, Jacob walked in to one of the many armories that lined the wall. Jacob perused over the many weapons that were available, some of which he had helped maintain. The sight of this many resources, particularly the ammo, always left him in a sense of awe. If only he had some of these weapons... No, no time to think about that right now. He needed to get weapons. Knowing how the wastes were like outside the wall, Jacob knew that the woman needed something mid range. His eyes fell upon an AR-15, and he instantly decided on it. He grabbed it, along with two USPs, a number of clips for both, and a tactical vest to hold it all together. He hoisted it all back up the wall, and handed it to the human warrior. "This should be enough to get you through whatever is out there. You, and anyone else going, meet me by the gate. I'll get a car ready." Jacob slid back down, and darted over to the solar car depot next to the gate. He brought one over, and ran a quick check on the components. Engine was about as good as it would get. Power source was fine. Everything in order, just the way Jacob liked. As the group heading outside approached the car, Jacob said to them, "Car is ready. Whatever you do out there be quick about it. No telling if any of the dead might show up here while you're gone. I'll stay back here and defend the wall, just in case." With that, Jacob climbed back up the wall, and watched for any dead he could see.