The Theratin Kingdom consists of many separate lands, and many diverse races. The first king, King Kotun, was once a great hero. He, along with his army of followers, was able to unite the lands and races under a single banner. Stories were passed down after their fight. Stories that many would refuse to believe. According to these stories, there was once a brutal ruler who ravaged every race as he saw fit. Taking whatever he wanted, and slaughtering countless. Kotun was born a son of this ruler, and according to legend, the father of magic. Supposedly, he asked for the tools to take his father down and the hands of the gods themselves reached down and touched him. With his new abilities, he united the races and struck down his father. From that moment, for the last 700 years, his family has ruled the lands and kept them peaceful. Lately however, there have been rumblings from the city that the dark elves are planning to march on the capital within the next two days. Races available: [hider=Human] King Kotun himself was human. The humans are the race currently most feared in the lands. Most other races believe them to be violent and prone to anger. Only those who have settled in the capital believe otherwise. However, they have been branded as outsiders by the own people if they have done so. Usually live for 60 years.[/hider] [hider=Elves] The elves pride themselves on their secrecy. They consist of many tribes under a central authority system. Each elf was born with a specific purpose based on the season they were born in. Those born in spring were the crafters with their usually red hair. In summer came the ones who would be the next leaders and had blonde hair. This often resulted in new tribes being made every few hundred years. When the leaves turned brown, and fall came about, their mages were born with hair just as brown. Finally, when the world was darkest and cold, the warriors were born with hair that was white. To this day few know of their training. Usually live for 1300 years.[/hider] [hider=Dwarves] The dwarves, according to them, have been split for as long as the stone remembers. Those who live in the Red Hills are traders and merchants for the most part. They are the wealthy, the rich,and the powerful amongst dwarven kind. Those who live in the Black Mountains however are the dwarves of legends. They train for years perfecting the art of war. They traditionally paint their face with the symbol of their lineage when training is complete. From then on they are pushed to the surrounding areas. Most become mercenaries, while others become criminals. However, no matter where they come from the dwarves respect the lifestyles of each other. Usually live for 70 years.[/hider] [hider=Draaken] Believed to be a thing told mostly to scare small children, the draaken are slightly shorter than your average human and are either red, green, or gold. They look like a man shaped dragon, but have speed far faster than any average human. The gold draaken however resemble man a lot more with scales being the only difference. Although many people have forgotten them, they live in the area just before the Black Mountains. Humans do not treat them with hostility, only wariness. Usually live for 80 years, but the gold ones live for 90.[/hider] [hider=Dark Elves] Dark elves are those descended from elves who left their forest brethren long ago. There have been many shades of dark elf recorded throughout history. They live in caves in the forests and rarely ever venture out during the day. As such, there is almost nothing known about them. The few who are seen live in one of the larger cities, and deserted their people before learning anything of importance. Usually live for 1200 years.[/hider] The lands: [hider=Theratin] Theratin is the largest of the cities. It is mostly human dominated with the other races moving in to try and grab a piece of the "good life". This is where our journey begins.[/hider] [hider=Fallen Wood] Fallen Wood is the land where the dark elves rule. It lies just a few miles north of Theratin. Reports are now running wild that an army of dark elves has been seen amassing near the border.[/hider] [hider=Red Hills] To the west lie the Red Hills. The dwarves here are kind to all races. However they're really only kind if they can get some of the coin from your pocket. [/hider] [hider=Dragonmist] This is a patch of woodlands to the east where the draaken live. It is [i]very[/i] thick forest and should be kept out of unless you have a guide. Dragonmist surrounds the Black Mountains.[/hider] [hider=Black Mountains] These mountains can only be described by their name. The very earth that makes up the mountains is black. The dwarves claim they appear that way because the ashes of their ancestors are spread across the mountains.[/hider] [hider=Forest of Gold] It is here that the elves live. Far north of their dark cousins, the many tribes here ignore much of the outside world. They only leave on their terms.[/hider] [hider=Frost Mouth] Far to the south lies this mysterious cavern. Snow stretches for a few miles in front of the mouth. A storm is constantly raging. Because of this, no one who has gone, has ever made it back.[/hider] So, yeah. There's the basics. With interest I can of course expand.