Guess he was spared a fight with Georgia, not that he was scared or intimated, quite the contrary. But it would've been a long fight, and in the end, Georgia would've gotten the upper hand. He was simply younger than Alabama and would've had more endurance than him, don't think Alabama isn't in shape, because he is. Probably the most fit 44 year old on earth, but Georgia was younger than he was and would've caught him. Eventually. Nevada yelled something and Alabama stood at attention, that yell had been drilled into him years before. Councilor told them to be at ease and started explaining the mission. Alabama rested his assault rifle on his shoulder while he listened, he always thought that was a cool image as a kid. Then the rookie walked in. He could tell immediately that she was trying to hard, and the way she just nodded and didn't salute kinda rubbed him the wrong way. Discipline was drilled into his skull during The Great War, and if someone walked in like that, they would've got smacked and ordered to do 50 push-ups. But he wasn't one to judge, so he just let the rookie walk past him as the councilor continued to brief them.