Sun watched intently as everyone near him discussed the issue at hand. Being the smallest and probably the youngest as well, he made note of the fact that he probably wouldn't be invited out to the Red Waste to bring back Ravenia. As much as he wanted to be of use to them, he couldn't help but feel like a burden. Incompetent and inadequate. A daunted and disapproving disposition pressed across his face as Shay, entangled in conversation, lightly let her arm fall away from his shoulder. Sun stood, silent, ears wide open. Shay seemed to be set on only taking one of them. He was instantly off the sidekick list according to her. "But...", he almost said, but then placed his hands in front of him and bowed lightly, "I understand Shay...I will stay here and do what I can. Please be safe out there.", he said in a worried tone. Sun took notice of Ramera, the only harpy still nearby. She was looking down at them from atop the wall very intently. He smiled gently to her, a face of reassurance that her sisters were alright. Sun figured she must of been worried sick about her sisters. I mean...he would be two if he knew he had sisters. But having been seperated from them for so long, he'd pretty much forgotten about them. Looking back to the discussion around him, he raised an eyebrow, taking notice of Fen, now in wolf form. He was immensely larger than an average wolf. Maybe 5x bigger. Sun would of definitely been intimidated if he hadn't known him. Such a remarkable ability. Sun doubted himself. Fen was so much more useful than he was and it seemed he would be the one who would go with Shay. One Human and One Blessed. Good call. His thoughts still worried about Rameras emotional fortitude as he watched Jacob quickly bring out another solar car and some weapons. It only took him a matter of minutes to fetch them. Not only was he viable to the city, but his technological savy and effiency was useful as well. No wonder he was staying back. And of course, Ramera to fend from the skies and Marcus to man the wall was a no brainer as to why they were staying back as well. But Sun didn't quite understand why Isam wasn't going. More man power at the gate I guess he figured. He only managed a coy smile to Shay, as she stepped into the car and took off, her big wolf companion close on her tail. As it stood, Ravenia,Tobias, Clo, Anora, Shay, and Fen were out in the Red Waste. Sun, Ramera, Isam, Marcus, and Jacob were the only ones to remain behind. All he could do at this point was wait, and hope that none of the dead stragglers made their way here. In meantime, Sun had an idea to "hopefully" ease Ramera's worry. He called out to the harpy sister perched above, who at this point was fiercely looking out over the Red Waste. He took out his notebook and pen from out his back pocket and called her name once more, this time a bit louder. "Ms. Ramera! If you don't mind...can I speak with you for a moment? I think I might have something that can help you.", he said in a exalted but politely intended tone. Sometimes speaking loudly can come off as being boisterous, but he just wanted to be certain she didn't take it that way.