Faris groaned when Venny told her the Mr. D guy who Erin had been babbling about not wanting to piss off was the god of wine. [b]”Well, just because he’s a drunk and the head of the camp doesn’t mean he has to be greedy right? I’m sure I could charm him out of something. I did it enough with my mom and her credit card, or guys and their cars before,”[/b] she shrugged, looking away from the cabin as Venny explained it was Athena’s. She nodded when he said Aphrodite’s kids were probably going to love a party, turning away from him to go find this, God of wine and not seeing Venny never even make it to Cabin 10. Faris walked around and found a group of the newbies she’d been touring with earlier, grabbing one by their shirt collar so all of them paid attention. [b]”Hey, you guys want to come to a party tonight?”[/b] They tentatively nodded. [b]”Then invite everyone you think won’t shut it down, got it? And then free drinks on me for you. Tell them it's at the arena,”[/b] she smiled sweetly. The newbies kind of shrugged and went off to do Faris’ dirty work, while she quickly found the head of camp’s cabin. She hesitantly stepped up to the door, running her fingers through her long thick hair, adjusting her shorts and top before taking a deep breath and putting on innocent eyes and a cute smile. No one would guess her father was Ares with that expression. She knocked before taking a falsely meek step inside. [b]“Mr. D?”[/b] she asked.