Sable walked off the airship, grinning and excited about her life at Beacon. She was thankful that all she had to pack were her clothes and that her Dust canisters were being transported and would be delivered to her later by the school's support staff. No doubt they wanted to avoid accidental discharges on an airship filled with students or overenthusiastic students starting fights on the ship. All she had was a backpack with her clothes and apparently some people were giving her funny looks, since she didn't seem to be carrying any weapons or holsters for them on her body. Most of them didn't notice, however, and Sable was happy to let the observant ones wonder until they saw her in action. Few people knew how to handle an unarmed opponent in a fight and she used that to her advantage during the demonstration matches when the Beacon applicants in her city were trying to prove their abilities to the faculty. In fact, one of her opponents was right here with her, and very cross. Apparently the fact that he had not anticipated her using her Aura as an energy blast was "cheating" - though Sable preferred to think it was the term he used whenever he was beaten by a girl who only stood up to his shoulder height. It wasn't that Sable was short, but rather the boy she had challenged was incredibly tall and large and a bully it seemed, for he was simply butting people out of his way with his warhammer. Then he spotted Sable and she sensed trouble immediately. She turned to walk away quickly, hoping that if she got close enough to the main auditorium before he caught up with her he wouldn't try anything.