[center][b][u]Rakata Prime[/center][/b][/u] It was a time consuming effort to reach the Sith home world, not many people would take a ship to Rakata Prime in the first place, unless it benefited them greatly. Thankfully however a trader was heading there and for a modest sum of credits would take Stravon there, and for only an extra 500 credits didn't ask any questions, something operatives like Stravon relied on a great deal. Killing would have caused problems so he was happy he never had to resort to that. The journey itself was uneventful, cramped and boring. Stravon dulled two whetstones trying to pass the time sharpening his blade and had read 3 books, for travel to wild space from any where in this galaxy was long and dangerous. When the ship finally arrived to Rakata Prime the first sight to this odd and painful planet was incredible and very unsuspecting, Stravon imagined the world to mirror the likes of Dathomir or an equally depressing place, but it was very much the opposite; in one respect. The planet was green and lush with plants and wildlife, obviously not so much in a space port but in the distance one could see endless expanses of plant life, and on the other end of the spectrum the sight was also riddled with dead ships that appear to be immense and incredibly old. A rather brash and annoying sound came from Stravons left, when Stravon shifted his attention from the view he began staring at a man that was obviously a docking officer, and the sound appeared to be him speaking as though Stravon was underneath him. This foolish man was lucky that this was a diplomatic mission of sorts, otherwise Stravon would have his head in an instant. "Whats your business here?" the man droned whilst eyeing this odd figure clad in armour suspiciously "Try any funny business and the Sith will have you begging for your miserable life within seconds." Stravon smiled and replied with "Well that's good then, I am here to speak with the Sith after all, may I ask where I would go to speak with a Lord known as Darth Scelus?" The stupid face of the docking officer went pale white and practically whispered "I'll go talk to my boss about that one..." And as if a Rancor were chasing him the man quickly ran back to the office, Stravon found it rather amusing but he did hope that he didn't bring back a legion of soldiers, that would make relations tense straight off before the talking even started.