As if by second nature, the New San Franciscan could almost anticipate the moment of combat and it was growing very near. Steadily and in confidence he followed REIDA's blinking coordinates while keeping pace behind Sirius. Before approaching the intended destinations, Harvin took a moment to initiate several neck and shoulder warm ups in preparation for the conflicts ahead. It wouldn't be easy by a long shot and no sane Planetary Assault Divisionist took their responsibilities lightly. As such, Harvin stretched as did all Divisionists veterans before battle and readied the Hellkid's switches. His comfortable sighs followed swiftly with lightly controlled exhales as his muscles began to loosen. Carefully and without any doubts, the minigun's activation provoked a brilliant florescent mix of blue and green hues. "We fire on my mark ..." Harvin heard as Sirius prepared his weaponry. REIDA's interior target reticules blazed a bright red across the screen. "Calculating Tylon reactions," REIDA purred, "Estimated synchronized fire progressing in 3.2222423000 seconds and counting. Lieutenant Rylan Myatt spotted above heights; recommend alternative position roughly 5 meters forwards along designated position. Urgent jump-jet activation is critical ..." Immediately, Harvin switched on his suits internal power thrusters and jettisoned into the air across the open space parallel Sirius' new position. The jump-jet's propulsion quickly brought him along a dark section outside of the indicated reticule pathways highlighting Lt. Myatt's line of vision. As REIDA predicted, Sirius shouted at the three second marker and pulled the trigger. Anticipating this exact time frame, Harvin hugged along the shadow cover of the adjacent industrial processing complex and from his own wall section, pulled the trigger towards the intended targeting reticule around [i]Lt. Daryc[/i]. Simultaneously, his suit's shoulder pads deployed upwards to unpack and unleash the short range portable missile launchers. Shortly afterwards, the sounds of nearly a thousand angry gnats, frenzied hisses, and unrelenting zapping followed suit as an impossible stream of lead, explosive termination, and outright hell left the PA Divionist's suit and spinning, gattling-unit ...