Astrid let out a little shout as she was picked up again. She started swearing again, thinking that it was Thain, when a pair of lips planted themselves on hers. Instantly she felt a rush of warmth flow through her and her eyes closed. Her mysterious attacker set her down on her feet only saying, "I'd love to see that trick again when I see you tonight," before walking off. Her Heart pounding in her chest she turned around so see who her attacker was and saw Eli. The sneaky bastard. Cute sneaky bastard. Glancing down at herself, Astrid realized that he had slipped his coat over her. A act of kindness was something that she hadn't expected out of Eli, especially because she was half naked when he put it on her. Maybe she had just judged him wrong. Stepping forward, Astrid made to move towards her cabin when she felt something slip. Looking down she saw her bra laying on the ground. Fucking Eli. Hurriedly picking it up and storing it inside the coat, Astrid ran off towards her cabin. She had her hands clutched over the coat to make sure there was no way it would open. Only when she was inside the cabin, did she relax. No one would bother her here. Changing out of Eli's coat and into one of her t-shirts she couldn't help but stare at the coat wondering what it smelt like. Looking around to make sure none of her brothers or sisters saw Astrid stuffed her face into the cloth drinking in his smell. It was so... tantalizing. Stepping back shocked at her own moves Astrid moved quickly away from her bed and into the basement. Anytime that she needed to think about something she always went to code. She was a very adapt coder slash hacker. She could be in the camps main frame within minutes if she wanted. Besides that once she got started coding, all the intrusive thoughts of Eli would melt away. This was the only time that she could properly focus. Sliding into her chair Astrid began to type away with a vengeance. She had something in mind for earlier today. Something for the cabin of Hades.