Name: Mina Scrios Age: 19 Gender: Female Status: Blank Fragment Personality: Since she has no memory, she is curious of most things and tries to grab and touch almost everything she deems interesting, which is a quick way to get into trouble. She is quite ignorant, but friendly and nice. She has an instinctive nurturing factor and will try to help somebody when she sees he or she is in trouble. Despite the loss of most of her emotions she has a very instinctive behavior and can pick up on other emotions quite easily. Appearance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Abilities/Weapons: Ability; Bone manipulation: Mina has the ability to grow bones rapidly and pull them out of her body without any effort. Her bones regenerate at an alarming rate, this factor is even out of her own control. Besides being able to generate bones she can also shape them in any shape she wants and change the density of her bone-matter to make herself heavier or lighter for numerous occasions. Double hidden blades: A weapon starting out as two small blades, stored in two bonds around Mina's arms. Bio: "I can't seem to remember..." Other: Hope this is okay