[b]November 22, 1956 West Germany, Central Europe[/b] Douglass Winters was pushing hard on his stick diving down on the MiG 15 coming up at him holding down the firing stud as soon as he thought he had a shot to hit the bastard watching his ammo counter tick down way too fast towards zero as his four guns chewed up their belts. Barely a moment later the enemy MiG openned up with it's cannons and he felt more than anything else the impact that told him something had connected. Looking to the left he saw about two feet of wing were now missing and a bit more was threatening to come flying off. Some off his own rounds found a home though as Douglass saw smoke billowing out of it as the two planes passed. Immediatly he pulled up and to the left hoping to climb back and gain some altitude before the MiG found his tail though to his surprise after levelling found nothing behind him except a contrail burning back east and a radar contact telling himhe must have wounded the Mig worse than expected. He really wanted to pursue the bastard but knew that too many of his buddies were handing around and Douglass had expended every munition long ago while his guns showed themselves in the double digits on ammo. He checked his fuel gauge and tapped it a few times again but it seemed still stuck giving him no idea if he had fuel to make it back to their base. Of course by now their base was a bombed wreck and probably occupied by Russians. He keyed his mic to try and get a message to anyone left in the squadron, "Anyone left in the skies, I am heading out of here, got no guns, probly got no fuel neither but the damn gauge is stuck. Headin west to the nearest friendly base. See ya when ya land." --- It was a short flight west towards the nearest base as West Germany had been dotted with them for this kind of situation. He pulled his plane around to be able to make an approach on one of the runways as he openned communications to the tower, "Tower this is the F-100 coming in on approach, I need a runway to land, I am low on plane and probably fuel." "That is a no go, we are currently taxiing several aircraft, maintain station keeping." It was only moment after the tower responded when his plane shuttered and the jet part of his fighter jet died. "Tower, this landing just became non-optional, one way or another I am hitting the ground and I am picking runway 3," With that he angled his plane in, lowered the landing gear and proceeded to manhandle his aircraft down. He managed to make it down and saw crash teams awaiting his arrival, smiling under his helmet he hit the tarmac hard and instantly knew things were wrong as his nose dived into the ground the front landing gear apparently breaking off from the flawed landing and now the rear landing gear followed suit. His plane scraped across the ground for several feet before finally coming to a stop. Popping the canopy he stepped out and began to walk away while crews doused his plane in flame retardant foam as a precaution just in case as Douglas yelled out, "I am gonna need a new plane, something fancy with lots of guns!"