[center][b][u]Will 'o the Piper[/u][/b][/center] A Charles and Sigmund rejoiced, the kappa scurried away from the pair. It would quickly become obvious why;the red oni continued it's charge towards Charles. For better or worse, they would have to do something. Especially considering that the blue oni still hadn't moved... [center][b][u]Hive of Minds[/u][/b][/center] Rugratz might had been saved, for the time being, at least. Dumbfounded by the wasp's agility, Ramza and Daniel could keep up far more easily. As the wasp dove, it simultaneously caused the remaining, non-burning parasite bugs to scatter and spread out; avoiding their monstrous predator... However they found anew potential host arriving on the scene; Aderyn... [center][b][u]Rendezvous Crash[/u][/b][/center] The librarians were given time to look around, it seemed Giovani had no been paranoid enough to set them off. The documents weren't spread, Andre found a list filled with names, containing a number of government known officials in the Hub... As well as that of Alexander Bishop and a large number of unfamiliar names... At least at first sight... Bishop, although not as fortunate in the papers department, would find there was a lot more to the Don's room than what seemed to be in it at first glance. There were secret bottoms in some of his drawers, they were locked. However, they could probably be forced open easily by the courtesy of her strength as a holder... Even if she was watched by the birds, and by proxy, a family photo containing the Don, as well as a girl whom had once attempted to hunt her down with the help of winged dog/monsters... Vologhn, on the other hand, would find that the birds went from uneasy to restless, from all the searching within the room... They began squawking and riling one another up; shortly tuning into shrieks... And that this alerted the men behind the wall. “What is going on!” The man they'd met before entering shouted, knocking on the door. He tried to open it, as Vologhn could sense, but more than that he could hear him speaking in his native tongue and some other men went away, whereas only he remained to attempt to force the door open...