Eyes darting between the still form of her sister and the hoard of approaching dead, Anora grew increasingly worried as one of the corpses seemed to take the lead, picking up its pace with skinless and rotting jaws snapping open and shut in anticipation. A scowl marred Anora’s delicate facial features as she observed the leading corpse which despite its mindlessness, thought it had won a feast out of its fallen prey. But Anora wouldn’t allow it a chance, he sister was precious to her just as her older sister, Ramera was. If anything happened to either of them she would tear the whole world apart. Raising her hand with the intent of impaling all three of her throwing knives into the skull of the damned carcass, Anora suddenly stilled her hand before the knives could be released and her dark glare instantly vanished at the sight of Clo kicking the corpse and throwing one of her knives at its exposed throat. The feeling as if something had been clenching her heart receded to be replaced by immense relief. Her sister was alright, she was unharmed. “Clo!” The name was shouted right after she heard her own name being called. [i]Thank goodness.[/i] The words repeated themselves many times over in her mind as she closed the distance just as Clo got back to her feet and blew the closest of the dead away with her immense dark wings. While Clo always hated her black wings Anora thought them to be quite divine and simply beautiful. With three knives still held in one hand, Anora held her rapier in the other and with an elegant motion landed silently in front of her sister, separating her from the bodies of the dead as they slowly stood back up. In an almost unconcerned manner, Anora had her back to the corpses while she faced Clo, her rapier pointed accusingly at her sister. “You may just give me a heart attack one of these days.” She said seriously with a frown as she looked into her sisters eyes. Though, she was soon smiling, since she couldn’t ever seem to stay mad at her younger sister. The rapier was placed tip in the ground while she stepped forward to place a palm gently on Clo’s forehead. “I am glad that you are alright, dear one.” The words were just about a whisper yet held the full weight of her relief. Before moving away, her hand gave Clo an adoring pat on the head. “You’ve worried Mother.” Glancing in the direction behind Clo, she hoped to direct her attention to the scene of Ravenia approaching in a solar car while she herself prepared her flare gun. Setting it to a Code Red, Anora pointed it up at the sky and fired. A red light sparked into life, shooting into the sky and leaving behind bright red smoke. It would alert those both in and closest to the city of their location and the nature of the threat. Which was no less than massively deadly. Strapping the flare gun back into its place, she held onto her rapier again and offered Clo the throwing knives she had been holding, before turning back to the amass of the dead. “Sorry, Clo but we are going to have to eradicate your new friends. Shall we get started?”