When the male out of the two guild members returned her greeting, Lola smiled up at him, happy at having made conversation with more people despite the threatening presence of the Council Representative. She was about to say something else but before she got the chance, the young man who she realised to be Kenji, continued talking. What he said threw her off guard and her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. "Uh- umm... well a-actually, I hadn't thought of that..." It would have been a good idea, although she didn't know if she had it in her to do such a sly thing. "But in any case I do intend to take this one since I did see it first." She explained gently hoping to keep everyone calm. Until Council Representative Fendron returned from the Masters office, no requests were allowed to be taken. Mages needed to be signed off and approved for any and every job which found its way onto the request board. "I don't want to seem rude or anything, but it is pretty important that I take take this request, so I hope you don't mind." Staying polite and friendly as per her caring nature Lola hoped that others didn't notice the same request or it may well be an all out war. Though chances of that happening were pretty slim since Fendron was quite a scary man and the smallest of things usually set him off. The guild members, Lola included didn't want to be on the receiving end of his wrath.