[indent]Cautious footsteps thudded softly on the earth, parting through the grass with each step. The grassy plains rolled out before Gregory, an impossible expanse stretching before him. Though that was merely a trick of the eye, it didn't seem so big once he considered it. But adding the current situation added a new variable to his reasoning. These people, all around him, who were they? There were those who still slept, their new reality waiting at the edge of their consciousness, ready to leap and slap them across the face. He surely felt that way. It had happened so suddenly, he's still not sure what happened to him before... this. Was he sleeping, dreaming? Had he been pulled into a twisted illusion? Was he in some sort of medical induced vision, while doctors hovered over him with their tools ready to cut him open and find out what made him tick? The possibilities seemed endless.[/indent] [indent]His heart rate started to increase. [i]”Don't panic... Don't panic...”[/i] he told himself, the words replaying over in his head. He took a deep shuddering breath, and continued forward. The edge of the forest wasn't that far. Were these people dangerous? Had they all been gathered because they were dangerous? Was it for something more sinister, genocide? [i]”Breathe..... breathe...”[/i]. He took another deep breath, trying to recompose himself. If he thought about it too hard he would go insane. He looked at those stumbling around, awake and dazed. Obviously their confusion was a high as his own, the only difference it seemed is that they thought about it too hard. They were off balance, many of them had wide eyed looks on their faces. Some stared, mouth open, into the expanse of the area.[/indent] [indent]He felt in control again. He didn't move too quickly, he didn't want to draw attention. He needed a place to find solace, to meditate, away from prying eyes. He also didn't want to find himself on the receiving end of somebody having a violent breakdown. He wasn't sure who, or what these people are, but he had no doubt that at the very least one of them could shift. It didn't make sense to transport normal people, but then he wasn't a normal person. None of this made any sense. An agonizing pang shot across his heart, he longed for Emily. She always had a way of making the situation come into focus. He smiled at the memory of her, though he felt incredibly sad inside.[/indent] [indent]As he reached the edge of the woodlands he turned to look over his shoulder. He felt kind of bad for the poor souls wandering around aimlessly. But then, he noticed something else. There was a woman, she seemed in control. In fact, she was helping others. The fact that she seemed composed was pretty amazing, but he watched as she pointed towards the forest. Of course, it was stupid to think he would be the only person thinking about the basic needs. Food, water, shelter. What was the weather like here? For another matter, what awaited him in the forest? It was impossible to think that he was no longer on Earth, but he was reminded that this whole situation was impossible.[/indent] [indent]He stepped into small growth of underbrush and into the forest. The light filtered through the tree branches, giving the forest a movie like quality. It was peaceful, [i]”For the moment...”[/i] he thought solemnly. He placed his hand against the tree closest to him, it felt real enough. The forest didn't look... abnormal. But even normal forests on Earth could be dangerous. He felt his power tingling at the tips of his fingers, the electrifying energy coursing through his body. He was glad that he had spent much of his time learning about this power. Countless lessons in failures, but over the two years he had his triumphs. He felt certain that he could thwart most dangers that this forest could hold. Albeit the others were a mystery all their own.[/indent] [indent]He decided to jog through the woods. If others were thinking as he did, it wouldn't be long until they began scrambling for resources. Human nature dictated survival, some did it compassionately like that woman in the field. Others did as he was doing now, first come first serve. He wouldn't survive in this place if he couldn't rely on himself. His fingers flexed and a small pointed rock rose from the ground, he swung his arm in a high arc, as if throwing something. The small rock shot forward and blasted across the edge of a tree, throwing splinters of bark through the air. The sound made a sharp crack that reverberated through the forest, for only a moment. He did it again, and again, as he continued on, marking his way back to the clearing. He didn't know if he wanted to be back there, with all those people, or if they would even been there. But it was good to know.[/indent] [indent]He was maybe fifteen minutes into the forest, by rough calculations, when he stopped. He hadn't been traveling on a straight path. His senses strained to pick up any sound other than that of the background noise. [i]”There,”[/i] he turned towards the sound. A small branch snapping, or perhaps something else? He waited, the forest eerily quiet around him. He did his best to hold back, choosing not to lash out with his power. He stood there for awhile, but the sound never came again. Perhaps it had been his imagination? He raised an eyebrow , looking around questioningly, before continuing forward.[/indent] [indent]Gregory pursed his lips, looking around him. So far he hadn't seen anything out of the ordinary, but he could hear the sounds of water rushing nearby. That was a good sign, assuming it was of course water and nothing like the strange sounds he had heard earlier. He changed direction, heading towards this new hopeful sound. Every so often a sharp crack would ring out as he marked his path, but it wasn't long until he found his prize. A small lake, about 860 square feet, or 80 square meters. It's surface was calm, which Gregory took as a good sign. On one side there was a small brook that wound its way deeper into the woods.[/indent] [indent]He figured he was maybe ten minutes from the clearing, if he had been walking. If he had been going the right way it would have taken him a third of the time jogging. He walked over to the water, kneeling down on one knee, staring intently at the water for a few moments. [i]”What if it's poison?”[/i] he thought. [i]”Surely Emily won't blame me if it was poison right?”[/i] he questioned. He scooped up a handful and held it to his lips. It was cool, and didn't taste foul or acrid, simply like.. water. He waited after his first sip, for some kind of agonizing pain that never came. After a few more moments he plunged his face into the water, feeling it's coolness around his submerged head. He took a large gulp before pulling himself out and taking a large breath. [b]”That's good...”[/b] he said aloud, satisfied.[/indent] [indent]He hadn't noticed it before, but he was crouching right next to a perplexing sight. Thought it wasn't the bush itself he was next to, but what dangled from it's branches. He reached out tentatively, seeing no quills or spines on the thing. No eyes or orifices, so it couldn't be alive. [i]”Could it?”[/i]. He took hold of the strange thing and realized it had to be some kind of food, or fruit, or other world bush product. It wasn't very big, and resembled a vial in every way. It's shape, it's size, and the fact that it seemed to be filled with something. He took the thing in both hands and broke it in half, and watched curiously as it's liquid insides became a like something of a spongy mass. He threw it down on the ground, [i]”No fucking way I'm eating that..”[/i] he thought, wondering if it was actually food for some kind of animal.[/indent] [indent]But what kinds of animals were the big question. Questions, he had so many of them. They came flooding back to him suddenly, all the who's and what's and why's. And especially the how. It seemed overwhelming now that he thought about it, he felt as if the energy had left his body. He took a breath, looking at noting in particular, he lost focus. His heart rate increased, his hands shook, as the questions tore through his mind. He squeezed his eyes shut, sitting up and crossing his legs. He placed his hands firmly upon his knees and did the only thing he could do at this point. He meditated, letting the calm come back over him, taking each question one by one and thinking about it clearly. Though there were no discernible answers, it helped to slow down it train of thought and just breathe for a second.[/indent] [i]He did not want to lose control...[/i]