Suie noticed the boy's obvious nervousness, and wanted to giggle, but suppressed it. That was far beneath her rank, and it would lower her in his eyes. You never saw Faedric or Suenzei giggle like little girls, so neither would she. Being the youngest in history to take the seat of a Fire Sage wasn't always a walk through the park. Her age and lack of experience were often used against her, and many viewed her as less worth than the other Fire Sages. Thus she was forced to be thrice as cunning, was she to survive. In a lot of ways, people are only what they are perceived to be. If she would run around and play with the other kids, or giggle like a girl whenever she felt like it, everybody would see her as the little girl she looks like. However, as it is, she has been able to establish a well liked political face, and her opinion weighs just as heavily as any on the council. She had been forced to learn more quickly than anyone else, but has become adept at the game of politics. Faedric had been quick to volunteer to be the Avatar's trainer. A little too quick. Suie was no fool, and wondered what the muscle-head was planning. To win the Avatar's favor, surely, but to what end? Her servants reported plenty of information, but she could have use for eyes on the inside. She decided she would befriend this boy. It was good that he was nervous, she reminded herself, as it meant he knew his place. Not to mention, it was logical. She was one of the five most powerful people in the Fire Nation, and he was but a commoner, whom had never set foot inside a palace in his life before last night, much less chatted with a Fire Sage. His speech was not poor, though, and he kept his composure well despite the circumstances. If trained right, he might become an excellent spy. And he need not even know that's what he is. "That is quite sufficient, Jael. Your family sounds lovely. You seem like someone I could enjoy spending more time with. I'm awfully busy this morning, though I would be pleased if you could join me for tea later this afternoon. My servants will fetch you," she stated more than said, not sounding like Jael had much say in the matter. "I do worry about your friend, though. You should take care in watching over him. The Avatar is an entity we haven't calculated into the equation for sixteen years. His return isn't something everyone views with equal enthusiasm," she said, and glanced subtly at Faedric. Not enough to be crude about it, but just enough so she knew the boy would catch it. Whatever Faedric was up to, it couldn't hurt for them to be suspicious of him. It couldn't hurt her, either. With that seed planted, she rose. "See you later today," she said, and vanished with as little fuss as she'd arrived with. The training session dragged on for a good hour or so before Faedric called it to an end and dismissed Toku without any remarkable words, except that it would be the same time and place tomorrow. Faedric retreated into his mansion, while Toku went over to Jael, panting from exhertion. "Being the Avatar already sucks," he complained. "I've never been this tired in my life. And never this hungry. Notice how we didn't get breakfast? I don't think our butler appreciates our stomachs as much as he appreciates Faedric's orders. Want to go find some food? There's bound to be something somewhere."