Name: Evelyn de Winter Species (vamp, human, thrall, or human hunter): Human Bio: Evelyn was born in London. She was raised by a wealthy family who wanted only the best for their daughter. She went to private school, then finishing school, and then to a normal college where she planned on learning to be a school teacher. While there she fell in love with one of her professors, Marcus de Winter. He taught English and took an interest in Evelyn’s poetry, sweeping her off her feet with his own. She married him, not completing university. Her parents weren’t sorely disappointed though, considering she married a wealthy man who took good care of her. Soon they wanted to start a family though, and Evelyn was concerned about the state London was in and whether it was the best environment for a child. Marcus agreed and found a teaching position in a small school in Ipswich. They moved but during the move Marcus was run over by a carriage with a horse that went mad, running him down. Evelyn was heartbroken, unsure of what to do with herself. She was forced to make decisions though, decisions she thought she and Marcus had years to discuss. She had Marcus buried in the graveyard of Ipswich, going ahead and moving into a smaller home than they had picked out together in the village since she was by herself now. She still has a grand inheritance from his death, but she is not one to squander. She also needed something to do with her time besides mourn her love, and took a job in the local bookstore. There she encourages others to read and sometimes just sits outside with her husband’s favorite poetry book and reads. Many nights she will visit the graveyard at dusk or even at night, telling Marcus about her day. Her visits have gotten less frequent as she’s dealt with her grieving. When some of the friends she made at the bookstore found out about her evening visits to the graves they warned her about the vampires, but Evelyn doesn’t believe in such nonsense. Personality: Evelyn is very proper. She is not a lady taken to encouraging the morally corrupt or extreme passions. She loves tea and a good book, a fireplace and a comfy chair. She often hums sad hymns to herself without noticing and rarely makes a grand expression like a full-fledged smile or horrible frown, more like smirks and nods, slightly furrowed brows and shaking her head. She is quieter but has never been pushed to the extreme by anything. The hardest thing she’s had to deal with was her husband’s passing, and that she dealt with like a lady as well, not throwing herself into depression but working through it and coming out stronger. Appearance: [hider=prior to change][img=][/hider] [hider=after the change][img=][/hider] She stands 5’6” with a slight frame. She seems very delicate to others, though she has muscle and spirit to fight off any would be attackers. Powers (vamps only, max of 2 other than the default super speed and super strength, and a rating 1-10): [hider=after the change] Super speed: 2 Super Strength: 3 Powers: Generate protective force field – 7 (protects physical attacks, not emotional or mental) ; Generate gravitational force field – 4 (able to make a 5 foot radius around her become incredibly heavy or light in terms of gravitational pull, allowing her to be almost immovable or float a foot or two off the ground) [/hider] Age: 24 Other: I don't care who changes her in the RP, just give me a heads up prior!