[b]Still Accepting[/b] [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/105/b/8/dark_lane_by_rhysgriffiths-d6v25zi.jpg] Roleplay Theme: [youtube]O0i6YFrSs6c[/youtube] [i]The Royal Castle of Westbell, 1460 AR, ten years ago[/i] "Who in Sev's name [i]are[/i] you?" Those six words were soft yet grating, reverberating throughout the entire royal chamber. In the middle, one could see a bloodied blonde-haired man. He looked like he had once been of regal pride and standing, but that was no more. Numerous bloody cuts adorned his face. His royal garments had been torn and bloodstained. But despite his wounds, the man still attempted to bear a semblance of rage. Meanwhile, a taller man with black hair, an eyepatch and a cruel right eye paced around his apparent captive. Iron-clad men wielding swords and crossbows surrounded the two. A flaming red insignia of a burning sword adorned their hauberks. Finally, the tall man spoke. "I am Captain Xypher Dragonmaw, leader of the Fireblade Mercenary Company, [i]your highness[/i]." The man cackled. "Is there anything else you wish to know?" "YES!" The king lashed out in his chains. If looks could kill, every single soul in the room would have faced a fate worse than death. "Why? Why?" The king attempted to gesture around to the damage in the room. "Why have you done this?" "Well.. you see, your highness. Or [i]Stardale[/i]." The tall man chuckled at his insolent remark. "Your city of Westbell seemed ever so vulnerable, and the numbers of the FMC was at that time enough to rival a nation." The man smiled a sadistic smile, a savage streak to his toothy grin. "I thought - well, there's a big juicy fruit in the tree, and it happened to fall down in front of me. What else was there to do, Stardale?" "Do NOT call me by my name, Dragonmaw." The man violently coughed out blood. "By the looks of it, you can't just seem to leave anything alone." "Oh, dear, oh, dear. Our King Stardale looks like he's getting mad." The man took on a mocking baby-voice. "Now TELL ME where your son is, and I might just consider giving you a swifter death." "You will never get it by mortal means, Dragonmaw." The king put on a last, desperate face of pure hatred. "Pry it from my cold, dead mouth if you want." "All right. Now, guards. Take him away. I just can't stand the sight of a bloodied skull compressed into little, itty bitty tiny pieces." "YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! YOU HEAR ME? NEVE-" The king disappeared underneath the dungeons, howling and screaming in desperation. Then all was silent for a while. "Loyal friends, family, countrymen! Say goodbye to ol' King Stardale. I'm afraid he has left this world... by tragic means. Now, say hello to the new Grand Overlord Dragonmaw! I am your new ruler and leader in these dark times. You will obey my every command. You will grovel at my feet. Oh, by the way. Anyone who finds the prince will earn coin beyond number: and possibly earn the chance of becoming my heir. That's all for today. Remember: long live Dragonmaw!" --- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/56580/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1742929]Interest Check[/url] Welcome to [i]The Scarlet Masks[/i], a casual character-run roleplay set in the dark medieval fantasy/steampunk city of Westbell! Overlord Dragonmaw has usurped control over the once-booming city of Westbell. You are allied, part of (recommended) or completely against (not recommended) the rebel organization known as the Scarlet Masks, a group dedicated to overthrowing Dragonmaw and restoring order in Westbell. Now, some basic info about the world: -Magic will be uncommon, but not rare. Like as common as child prodigies. I will be limiting arcane users to at most three - not including myself. -Divine magic and Templars exist, too. The Holy Order of Sev secretly resents Dragonmaw and smuggle supplies over to the Masks. -This is a medieval fantasy steampunk world. There will only be humans. But if you are part of some obscure hidden race, PM me and we can talk about it. Now, for rules. We've all been through this before. Read or you will not be accepted. [hider=rules] 1. Actually, just basic stuff. No godmod, power play, anything above PG-13 take to PMs, don't be a dick, no excessive swearing (but light is ok) etc, etc. This is low-mid casual, so try and at least squeeze in one decent paragraph at the least. And please, be respectful to each other. I'm new to GMing and don't want to put up with some sh!t the first time round. 2. I'm not too strict, but I'll add some more things here if necessary. 3. Put 'I am one of them' in the Other part of your CS if you read all of this. [/hider] CS: Name: Alias: Age: Gender: (no bigenders, please) Appearance: (picture or written) Personality: Skills: Bio: (at least two decent paragraphs) Weapons: (no guns) Other: And [b]please[/b], read the Interest Check. It has some pretty important lore that you shouldn't miss.