[hider=Prepare to be amazed by my kick ass CS]Resident Profile Name: Leon 'Gonzo' Schmidt Age: 34 Nationality: America Ethnicity: Caucasian Sex: Male Appearance: Short bristly ginger hair Ginger neck beard White T-Shirt with black stains Blue jeans with black stains Brown Belt Brown work boots Brown gloves Real beefy arms and chest As tanned as a ginger can be His right arm is cybernetic and he can do a load of cool repair and medical stuff with it. Job: Cybernetic Doctor. Works in the Medical labs. Biography: Leon was born March 5, 2996 in the small town of Ashland, Virginia. His Father was the local hospital's cybernetic doctor, implanting metal limbs where organic ones used to be. Leon's 7 year old brother, Albus, would sneak into his father's study and read the books on the Human body and Cybernetic surgery. And he understood them. At 7 years old. Now Gonzo didn't know anything I'm about to tell you until years later, but for a quick story, I'll tell you now. Albus was experimented on a year after birth by a Neurological research company. Mom and Dad were in a tight spot financially, so they let the company 'observe' wee babby Albus for 6,000 credits, now Albus had unusual brain activity as an infant already, so all the company did was shoot some chemicals into his brain which would boost the brain activity tenfold and would continue to grow as Albus got older. So 7 year old Albus had the brain capability and capacity of a full grown adult. And each night, he would steal the books and hide him in his room, because Dad hardly used them anymore. And all the while, Leon is invested in The Muppets (Hence the nickname Gonzo). Fast forward 4 years, the outbreak, Mom and Dad are no where to be seen and 11 year old Albus is stuck with little Gonzo. So what does he do? He gets all of his stuff and takes off with the kid. Albus never knew what happened to his parents, but he took care of Gonzo, taught him all kinds of stuff (Gonzo was pretty smart too) and trekked north, towards New York or at least in that general direction. Then the incident. 16 year old Gonzo and 23 year old Albus come across an abandoned Church in a small town in New Jersey, and they thought to themselves let's get some goodies. Well, there weren't any goodies, but there was a tripwire that blew Albus to bits and Gonzo's right arm off. Through a feat of genius and what took two days straight, Gonzo was able to attach a cybernetic arm to his stump. Devastated that he saw his brother turn into giblets, he vowed that he would find a way to bring back the dead, he wasn't able to bring back Albus, but he would bring back as many as he could. On July 3, 3013, 17 year old Gonzo found the Refuge, he got a job as a mechanic, but his talent as a Cybernetic Doctor was realized and he was moved to the Medical Labs 2 months after his arrival. The Medical community supports his passion for Cybernetic technology in a Medicinal sense, but not enough to send men with him on salvage trips for parts. However they do allow him to use a small lab when he is not need in an operation or elsewhere. Since arriving at the Refuge, Gonzo has expanded his horizons, taking up practices such as gun repairs and modifications and has dabbled briefly in electronics. Gonzo currently works at The Refuge medical labs in his quest to revive people through Cybernetic technology . Skills and Talents: Cybernetic tech GOD, fairly advanced medical knowledge, an eye for machines. Primary Skill: Cybernetic Tech, Advanced Medical Knowledge Hobby: Gun enthusiast. Talent: Very good at measuring. VERY GOOD. Negative Trait: Due to smoke from machinery, he has weaker lungs. Gear: A large backpack Tools and assorted mechanical devices on his person and in his backpack. Medical supplies (Bandages, meds, etc.) An Assault rifle modified to have a Holographic sight and flashlight, oh and the bullets have a bit more...'oomph' to them. A Canteen of mush Several cans of mush.[/hider]