Shaylly didn't have to wait for Fen to call out to her for the first signs of movement. While Shay expected to meet a horde of Dead or catch a glimpse of Ravenia's car she was not expecting to see a red flare. Shay slammed her foot down hard on the brakes of the car, bringing the machine to a quick and screeching halt. Shay's head tilted upwards, leaning to the side to look out the window. She watched it shoot straight up in the air and blaze with a distinct red trail. This might be a rescue mission. That would make the most sense since she had not seen the other Harpie sisters all morning, only Ramera. Once Shay understood the direction of the flare she turned to Fen and called out "Help guide us there Fen! They need our help!" Shay pressed her running shoe back down on the gas pedal and jolted the car forward once more, pressing it to its maximum speed to get them there as quickly as possible. Fen would lead the way with his sharp eyes and keen nose following the trail of the flare set off. Shay and Fen would then break through to the clearing where the Dead were in current chaos with the others. Shay grimaced as she came to a screeching halt, a Dead banging over the front of the car and flipping over in a somersault over her hood, hitting the ground with its head broken open.Shay flicked on the window wipers to clear off the streak of dark blood that mottled her vision through the glass. She had pulled up right next to the other solar car. She saw Dr. Grey ushering two small children in to the back seat. "What the hell?" Shay wondered out loud. This whole situation was very complicated but she didn't have time to think too much about it. She came here to help get Ravenia and anyone else back to their home safely; she needed to stay focused on her task. Turning to look back forward Shay could see further ahead a clearing that hosted a group of people. Shaylly pulled her goggles up on the top of her brow to get a better look and saw Claudette and Anora, their wings distinct and blowing the red flare dust around them. They were safe but looked tired and worn. And then the light reflecting off of Ravenia's metal staff caught Shay's eye. She watched her scream at something and swing her staff in a wide arc around her body. And then it hit Shay what she was looking at. Shay's dark brown eyes dilated and a rush of adrenaline flowed through her human veins as the scene before became clear. She had seen a few dead around them upon her arrival but now her focus showed the large crowd of the Dead that were gathered around the two sisters and Mother. The mass was so large that she had mistaken them at first as the background. Slowly yet disturbingly methodically they were moving forward. She had never seen such a large amount of the Dead gathered together before. They were swarming around them. Was this what Sun had the dream of? Shay felt a sting of fear pull at her chest, forcing her to inhale deeply for composure. The Dead were slow and dumb but like the waves of the ocean back in her home in Newport Beach, they came upon quicker than you realized and if unprepared the wave would overtake you with an unstoppable and deadly force. Shay quickly got out of the car and turned to Tobias. "Doctor get those children out of here and anyone else that needs to go with you! I'll help Ravenia and we'll use my car to escape." Shay turned to Fen as she pulled the AR-15 off of her back and in to her arms in firing position. "Let's go!" She yelled, turning to rush forward to help Claudette, Anora and Ravenia. They needed to get them to the car, even if it meant they stayed behind. Shay rushed forward with a long and loud yell at the top of her voice. She wanted to draw the attention of the Dead towards her and Fen. Shay felt a hand grab at her ankle and she quickly snapped two shots in to the crawling carcass, shaking off the now limp limb from her leg. Shay was an excellent marksman and crouched down to take steady aim towards Ravenia. She carefully sprayed her bullets on either side of the group around Ravenia, snapping their heads and necks until they fell down unmoving. Shay looked to Ravenia and gave her an assuring smile. She wasn't sure why the three of them were here in the waste land but she quickly guessed it had to do with the children. Either way they needed to move. This particular mass of the Dead seemed to be endless.