I would like to start off with a pleasant hello, and I hope you're having a decent day! Now let's get down to business. I work between 6 and 4 central time on weekdays so I am definitely not here. Anytime between 4 and midnight, I am up doing god-knows what. My weekends are hard to predict because i'm usually babysitting my drunk of-age friends-- but not all the time. I prefer playing female characters and I'm alright at playing male roles as well. I don't have any limits on violence, drugs, or alcohol when it comes to roleplaying. I might add that I haven’t roleplayed in quite few months, so I’m going to say I'm at casual. I can produce 2 to 3 paragraphs, sometimes only 1 if I'm having creative issues (but I always try to make 3); I’m just a little rusty. I prefer to rolepay over pm and skype, not particularly via email, and I’m alright with threads. Here we go! The things I am interested in, and feel free to throw ideas my way, as well (I'm very open): Nathan Drake x Lara Croft Mob Boss Offspring x Undercover Cop Time and Space Traveler x Companion Supernatural Hunter x Supernatural Supernatural Hunter x Supernatural Hunter Royalty x Thief Adventurer x Royalty Guard/ Knight x Royalty Pirate x Sailor Romeo-Juliet style anything, really. I love all of that forbidden love stuff. Maximum Ride Seven Realms Series Disney fairy tale mash up ASSASSINS Harry Potter realm Super heroes are super cool Guardians Of The Galaxy A list, B list Avengers. Avengers Arena Dream Hopping DRAGONS [b]I’m so sorry this is awfully put together and disorganized; my mind is just vomiting ideas. I’m really itching for an rp fix. [i]PM me if you are interested![/b][/i]