[quote=kapuchu] MusketMan.Are you, by any chance, a Full Metal Alchemist fan? Your character is pretty much a copy of Alphonse & Edward, with Gonzo being the Edward. He lost his arm so he gave himself a robot arm. His little brother's body was destroyed, and he wants to give it back to him. Same here, only difference being that Alphonse lives on in that armour. Now, much like Edward, Gonzo is a genious albeit for a different reason. Both read books that their father owned because he wasn't using them anymore, Gonzo because he simply didn't use them, and Edward because his father wasn't there. I can't feel like you took an already existing character and tweaked it to fit this setting rather than create your own :/ This is not representative of Aeonumbra's (the GM's) opinion, and is based solely on my own observations. I'm just giving my two cents, and any corrections made should only be made because Aeon says so. [/quote] Oh please Ahri , Tar[u]Taric[/u] you're hardly one to talk. :) I'm onto you. That is stretching the comparison just a little though Kapu. There is a similarity yes, but it's like 4%.