[b]Mikoto, post-zapping[/b] Mikoto folded her arms with a huff, turning to the side and away from the smoking girl. So maybe she wasn't actually allowed to do that, but if she saw some trouble arising she wasn't going to just wait around if she could do something about it. And... well... technically this girl being a random weird pervert was trouble, so that kind of fit in with how she felt about the whole situation, right? Regardless, she'd shocked her and the girl had seemed to have stopped teasing, so that was that. "I couldn't just stand there and let you say such weird things," Mikoto said, still half-turned-away from the lightly-smoking girl, "I don't even know why some random pervert decided to bother me." ... And the girl thought it was worth it? Seriously? Was she... almost as bad as Kuroko?