I'm still sorry for this, but I draw with my mouse and since that's incredibly hard I just give up on something serious when drawing digitally. I did find this [url=https://sketch.io/sketchpad/]nice website[/url] though with lots of feautures, and I drew the following; [hider=Eery forest atmosphere][img=https://sketch.io/render/sketch54032a601e531.png][/hider] [hider=Bad metal shading attempt, needs more contrast][img=https://sketch.io/render/sketch54032b3e1b376.png][/hider] I know you can't really give decent critism on those, but I felt like posting what's keeping me busy. Also drew this one: [hider=Shinobi][img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/242/3/b/nrng__shisen_inuzuka_by_roranhawkins-d7xa9mp.jpg][/hider] I kinda like how the wolf turned out, it's my first time drawing canines, but the girl is messed up. Her face is oompf , her sleeves are made with metal thread, and there's something wrong about her hips.