[center][img]http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss64/FiestaSiesta/lost_naveen_andrews_sayid_jarrah_dvdbash_2002_zps4014c31e.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Sir Isam Hajjar [b]Age:[/b] 41 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Isam was favored by the good king for his loyalty and determination. His body could be broken, but his spirit could not. Isam is a courageous man, more than willing to risk his own life in the name of his duty. He has a strong sense of commitment to those he trusts; Isam isn't one to leave a friend hanging. When needed be, Isam can be firm and maybe even harsh to his friends. The words 'tough love' come to mind. But he can also be soft and caring when he knows they need it most. [b]Skills:[/b] [u]Swordsmanship:[/u] Isam is proficient with several different kinds of blades. His custom broadsword is his personal favorite, with the old king's crest embedded in the brass coated handle. [u]Archery:[/u] While not the best at your typical bow and arrow, Isam is mean with a crossbow. He used it many times while in the king's army. [u]Horseback:[/u] Isam is a skilled rider, having won many jousting competitions, and the occasional challenge from his fellow knights. His shorter stature gives him an advantage on the back of a horse. [b]Weapons:[/b] [url=http://media.liveauctiongroup.net/i/10294/11015725_1.jpg?v=8CE312A762A74E0]His sword[/url] [url=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31wyNoEPuVL.jpg]His crossbow[/url] [url=http://www.darkknightarmoury.com/images/Product/large/SD4165L.png]An ornate dagger. It was a gift.[/url] [b]Country of origin[/b] Isam hails from the far land of Sudal, once known mostly for it's deserts and silk trades. Sudalians were once proud people, with a prosperous kingdom and technology that rivaled almost every other nation. The desert nation had a steel grip on the silk market. If a woman had a dress of Sudalian silk, then everyone knew she was very well to do. They exported other fabrics as well: their sheep were known for the softest wool, and their leather couldn't be beat. Sudal was dependent, however, on the large river that ran through its country. The river, the Rihs, was their main water source, method of shipment, an energy source, and the lifeblood of the entire nation. So, naturally, when an outside nation wanted to take over, the river was the first target. Sudal got into a spat with a neighboring nation, Quirek. Quirek's efforts to take over the land were easily thwarted until they dumped poisons into the river. Thousands of Sudalians were poisoned, and almost all of them died. With the Sudalian's numbers dwindling, Quirek practically waltzed in and took the nation like candy from a child. The remaining Sudalians were forced to join them, or else be captured and sold into slavery. As Sudal fell, its success fell with it. With the great minds of the nation dead, the Quirekan king drove the nation straight into the ground. [b]Appearance:[/b] Isam has dark, medium brown skin. His hair is almost shoulder length, is black, and has many curls. If brushed, his hair can take on a silky texture. But who has time for that? Isam's eyes are a dark brown. He sports facial hair most of the time, and even when he shaves it, it grows back quickly. He stands at 5'6" with a muscular build. When it comes to clothing, Isam used to enjoy soft and loose shirts and pants made of Sudalian wool. Most of his clothing were gifts from the king and his fellow knights, as he owned literally nothing when he first came to the castle. Now, he'll take just about anything he can get. Isam isn't a very picky man. It doesn't really have to do with his appearance, but it's worth mentioning that Isam has a Sudalian accent. For a real world example, it's pretty much an Arabic accent. [center][img]http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss64/FiestaSiesta/isam2_zps5a60dac4.jpg[/img][/center] [b]History:[/b] Isam was born and raised in Sudal. His father was one of the king's guardsmen, and his mother was a maid in the palace. So, naturally, when Isam grew up, he became a castle guardsmen as well. He only worked alongside his father for a couple years before the man retired. He had old and creaking bones, and he couldn't wear the heavy armor anymore. Isam quickly became one of the favorites, his skill and loyalty earning him the trust of the king. When the nation fell under attack, Isam fought valiantly to defend his king and his people. But, like many of the other Sudalians, he finally fell when the river was poisoned. Isam only had a little of the water, but it made him very sick. He may have been too ill to stop his land from being ravaged, but he refused to give in to the Quireks. When Sudal was absorbed into the Quirekan king's power, and the king ordered the old palace guards to follow him, many refused. Some ran, some fought to the death, and some were captured. Isam, too sick and weak to fight, was captured. Those who were captured were sold into slavery. By the time Isam got over his illness, he had been shipped halfway across the world. The slave traders were traveling across the nations, selling their slaves as they went. They knew that slavery was illegal in King Stardale's land, but they rather cut through it than go around it. Sure enough, they were caught by Stardale's men. The slaves and their traders were taken back to Westbell to face the king. By this time, the traders only had three slaves left: Isam and a couple other men from Sudal. The king had the traders jailed, and told the slaves that they could go free. Isam, however, informed the king, rather sadly, that he had nowhere to go free to. He talked with the king for a while, and was impressed by the king's willingness to actually spend time talking to a slave. He told Stardale about his nation, how it had fallen and how he had refused to serve the man that took it. He informed the king that he had once been a palace guard, and that he had skills that could help the king's army, if the man would let him. King Stardale accepted Isam's offer. Isam joined the king's army at the lowest rank, but quickly climbed the rungs. Unlike other new recruits, he had prior experience. He could already wield a sword and ride a horse into battle. And, just like with the old king of Sudal, Isam quickly grew in the Stardale's favor. After a few years, he became the king's most trusted knight. Isam never forgot how the king had saved him from a life in chains, and his loyalty to Stardale's family proved it. He was chosen to help train the king's son several times. Isam lived a good life in the castle. He fell in love with one of the castle's maids, and eventually married her. While he rarely bought things for himself, Isam loved to spoil his wife with simple gifts. A new pair of shoes here, a bundle of colorful flowers there. He was a romantic at heart. His happy life, however, was taken away when Dragonmaw's men moved into the kingdom. Isam fought tooth and nail defending his king, and was willing to die doing so. But the king had a plan for him. When it became clear that Stardale would die, he sent his son into hiding. The only man he trusted with prince's location was Isam, who was to go find the prince once the fury had died down and fight to return him to power. However, one of Dragonmaw's men heard the king telling Isam this plan. Isam was captured before he could leave the castle. Dragonmaw's men drug him down into the dungeon to try and pry the prince's location out of him. His wife begged Dragonmaw for her husband's life, afraid that they would kill him. She was nine months pregnant, and could give birth to her child any day. She pleaded that the child wouldn't have to be raised without a father. But when Dragonmaw's men dismissed her, and she refused to leave, she was struck in the head with a club and killed. Isam sat in that dungeon for two years, living through daily torture and hell. They had taken everything from him: his armor, his family, his joy, but they couldn't take his spirit. Isam would escape yet, and when he did, he would find the prince and do as the good king had last instructed: put him on the throne.