[CENTER][B]Introduction[/B][/CENTER] What? Are you talking to me? Oh, um, don't worry, I'm nothing. I don't even exist. What? No. Er... okay, so maybe I do exist, it's just... you shouldn't see me. Do you really? Wow, I-I thought I was stuck here! You can really-- Oh no... no, that means you're stuck too. Did you happen to meet up with a man with deer antlers who's constantly surrounded by ravens? No? Uh... okay, forget about that, it's not important. Look, I don't know how you can see me, I don't belong to your world anymore. And, well, yeah, there's more of us but.... I don't know how you got here. Or how to get back. Or... much of anything. I just... I think I made her mad. No, no, I made my parents mad, see they used to-- Sorry. I'm rambling. Alright, I'll calm down. Here's what I know. We're all stuck here in this world, but sometimes we get sent back, for whatever reason, just for brief intervals. It makes me uneasy, but whenever we go back to the 'real world'. most of us just sleep... We can't sleep here. Oh, we've tried, but it just... doesn't happen. Too much to think about, too much to worry about and... well, we just can't. Anyway, I think we're being tested. When we do go to the real world, it's always the same place. I mean, different rooms but I think we always go to the same building. I tried staying awake once to get to the door, try to see where we were, but it was locked. I think someone was watching, someone... observing us? I don't know. I can't tell. When we go back to the other world, it's always filled with tests. And sometimes that raven-guy shows up. He never says anything, but I feel like I know him.... like I've seen him in the real world, which is why I asked if-- Oh, nevermind. I know you haven't. Maybe I'm just crazy. Maybe it's all a dream. I don't know. Anyway, the tests. Right. Well, basically, we have to fight things, or get through mazes or voices from the sky tell us where to go, what to do... sometimes. Yeah, I'm probably crazy. I've just... been here a while. It's getting to me, I won't lie. Oh, and sometimes... sometimes we wake up and there's someone missing, but they'll come back to us later and have no idea what happened. Like, one of the group will just... disappear, only to return hours later with no memory of what happened. Sometimes they seem... different afterwards. Like my friend Zaiden, who used to be a lot bolder, a lot more... I don't know. Now he's just... quiet and... and... different. I don't know how to describe it. If you knew him before, you'd definitely notice a difference. He still insists nothing changed. I don't know what's happening to us. I don't know why we're being tested. But there is one thing... everyone chosen wanted escape. Suicide-risks, writers, 'tortured artists', what have you. People who don't like reality. People who wanted out. Maybe... maybe it's our own fault. Or maybe we're dead. Don't ask me, I don't have the answers, alright? I wasn't even here first, Zaiden was but he won't tell me anything anymore and it's really frustrating. Oh, me? Right. My name's Dwyer... it's kind of a dumb name, I know. It makes me think of 'drier', then I think of hair driers. Anyway, welcome to... um, well I'm not really sure what this place is. The only other sapient creatures here are the deer people. Like the raven guy, people with antlers and they tend to like animals. We've only talked to them a few times... sometimes they're friendly, sometimes not. I think it has to do with how we approach. Maybe there's a method to it? Maybe they get spooked easily? Again, I'm not sure. I guess we have time to find out, seeing as we're stuck here for gods-know-how-long. Oh? How long have I been here? Um... two years? Something like- Sorry! Sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out. I'm sorry. Maybe we'll get out soon. Hey, you never know. Besides... didn't you say you wanted an adventure? We all did. I guess our wish was granted. [CENTER][B]The World[/B][/CENTER] Well, it's like Alice in Wonderland or something out here. Everything is so strange... I mean, I guess it's normal for me now after two years and all... but still, there's always something to surprise you. Something dark, usually. You should also know that most of the plants that aren't blue or green are probably poisonous. As is pretty much everything with spots on it. I ate this purple flower once and Zaiden had to make this really elaborate cure for me so I'd stop choking on my own tongue. It wasn't fun. So yeah, don't eat the purple flowers... or anything not blue or green. Please remember that. Anyway, the world is mostly forests and rivers and lakes and oceans. The oceans are deep purple... most of the water is. Don't worry, it's fine to drink. Well, not the ocean water but you know what I mean. There's a lot of strange animals here and most of them are dangerous. Save for the ones without teeth.... though maybe they can gum poison on you or something, I don't really know... Just stay away. The ravens will mob you like gigantic crows, the wolves will gang up on you and they are [I]huge[/I] here. Like big, evil Cerberusis (Cerberuses? Cerberis?) from hell. Oh and never go near the snakes.... basically, don't touch anything unless I say it's fine... actually I'm pretty impulsive so maybe you should ask Zaiden first... I tend to get in trouble a lot... sorry about that. Anyway, the sky's purple, as is the water, the sun's kinda yellow/green, the moon's pale blue, some birds have four wings and everything canine is huge. Seriously huge. No keeping stray puppies, alright? Learned that one the hard way.... You don't want pets that'll try and eat you, alright? Not fun. ___________________ [CENTER][B]Basic Idea[/B][/CENTER] Alright, so the idea is basically, your character is stuck in a strange world. They woke up there, probably after a fight with someone, getting close to death, attempting suicide, trying to escape, after a vivid dream, anything reality-bending. They meet up with Dwyer and the rest of the group, where he informs them of what he knows... which isn't much. Sometimes they might wake up in the 'real' world, in a strange dark room with what seems like people all around them, examining them, sometimes touching them or simply observing, writing things down, etc. And every now and then, they might see remnants of the 'real' world in the other world, like a person who doesn't see them, or a building that shouldn't be there, though they can't actually touch these things, they'd pass right through, and they usually disappear when they get too close anyway. In the other world, they seem to be going through tests and trials. As in, they might receive clues in the form of voices speaking to them from the sky like gods, telling them to go somewhere or build something or fight something, punishing them with sickness or lightening storms or whatever if they don't. Occasionally, someone from the group might go missing (if you want this to happen to your character, ask me and I'll tell you what'll happen to them), coming back... different. Sometimes exhausted or bruised, battered, even missing a finger or a chunk of skin or something. Other times they might seem fine on the outside but are internally different, as in their minds have been warped somehow. There's also the man with the ravens and we'll get to him later. Basically, he just watches for now. The deer people are also more like a tribe, they are usually timid, but seemingly intelligent with their own language, though the group should't know how to communicate with them yet. Another thing, they can't sleep in this world. They don't usually get tired enough to need it, but being physically or mentally exhausted can take a toll and thus, whenever they wake up in the real world, they feel an overwhelming need to sleep. Alright, that's enough for now, if you have any questions, feel free to ask... I know it can be a little confusing. If you're interested, let me know! Oh, and this world is also very strange, think 'through the rabbit hole' strange, though much darker with quite a lot of sinister little creatures, as well as people getting dark ideas, wondering if they could be killed/kill in this world, as no one's died yet, only been injured. Feel free to play with how your characters take this situation. [CENTER][B]Character Sheet[/B][/CENTER] Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Hair Colour: Eye Colour: General Appearance: Personality: History: Are you already in the group, or will you meet up with them? [B]My Characters[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][hider=Dwyer Alden][B]Name:[/B] "Dwyer Alden, nice to meet you!" [B]Age:[/B] "I'm.. uh, 19 now, I think." [B]Gender:[/B] "Male... you can tell, right? I mean... isn't it obvious?" [B]Sexuality:[/B] "Pansexual. Gender doesn't matter. Also it isn't a sex thing, if you're wondering, I'm not automatically attracted to everyone, it's just, it's like a mental thing. I go for the person, not the looks or the gender or anything. Just... who they are, y'know?" [B]Hair Colour:[/B] "Red. Like, a dark red." [B]Eye Colour:[/B] "Blue. Yeah... that's it, just blue." [B]General Appearance:[/B] "What? Uh... can't you just look? I don't really... oh, uh, sure I guess. If you want me to... I guess I'm average height, like 5'10" or so. I'm thin but kinda lean-ish and agile and quick on my feet so don't underestimate me, alright? I have deep red hair and pale blue eyes some people say are bright. I don't, but whatever, maybe they're right. Are they? Yeah... sorry, anyway, I've got a few freckles under my left eye and I loooove my tye-dye hoodie. A lot. It's amazing. But it's pretty faded because all I have to wash it with is the river... I try to do a good job but it did get pretty faded over time and now it's hardly bright at all. I also have jeans, but they're really, really worn because... well, I guess that's obvious.Also, I don't have any shoes anymore. They kinda got eaten... don't ask. I still love to run, though, and I can't really sit still for too long. All I can do is kinda... jiggle my leg or pace or tap my fingers or something. I need to be [I]doing[/I] something or I don't know. I just have to. I also love bright colours and if anyone knows how to make clothes those are the kind I want. As obnoxiously bright as you can get them because... We all need a little colour in our lives, right? Oh and my hands and feet are kinda big. Like slightly out of proportion or whatever. I mean, it isn't noticeable unless you look close but still. Oh and my hair's a complete mess. What do you expect? You think brushes grow on trees? ...Or maybe they do here... huh. I'll go check." [B]Personality:[/B] "I'm... uh.. Dwyer. I guess that doesn't tell you much. It does to people who know me, though. Which is pointless, I guess, as they already know me... So, um... I'm optimistic and hyper and I'll do anything to make my friends happy. I tried a whole bunch of things to make Zaiden happy when he came back from... wherever he went... they didn't work. I still try, though. Oh! And I can't sit still, which I mentioned, and which is obvious considering the fact that I'm currently pacing a hole in the ground. I have to be doing something. Every second of the day. And not just one thing, multiple things. otherwise it feels like my brain is shutting down. Need to keep busy, you know. Need to get going, get moving, [I]do[/I] something. Um... Oh! I'm pretty impulsive. And careless at times. I mean, not with other people, I care about them a lot unless they hurt my friends... but... with things. Like, I tend to do whatever I feel like... which doesn't always turn out well. And sometimes I don't think about stuff. I've been told I have a high IQ and I can memorize things very quickly and recall them like pictures I can zoom into... yeah, it's weird, but my IQ doesn't always... show. Heh. As I said, I act before I think. Maybe I should stop more, but I can't sometimes. Sometimes when I have my mind set on something I just go for it, regardless of consequences. Some people call me scatterbrained. I don't know. I think I-- Oh my god! A six-legged rabbit! Look at-- ....sorry. Okay, so maybe I am. I don't think it's [I]too[/I] bad, though... right? I have to think of a lot of things at once, though. I can't let my mind slow down. I don't know why. Feels like it might shut down entirely if I do. I dunno. I'm weird. I'm inventive and quick-thinking but easily distracted. I know that. But I don't think it's a huge problem or anything. Just makes things interesting sometimes. Also, I love people and having friends and making friends and everything about that. Oh and um... also, I should mention that sometimes I get anxiety attacks. I don't really know why. Like in high-stress situations and stuff. Or maybe it's a trigger or something? I don't really know. Look, I don't really like talking about this. It makes me uncomfortable... sorry. Besides, it's not a big deal. Don't worry about it. Sometimes I tend to think a little too hard about things or get lost in my head for a second. Or I'll get worked up about something for kind of no reason... at least, people tell me I do. I don't know. I don't think I'm too bad with that or anything. I can be a little unpredictable, I guess. And um... that's me. Oh! That tree is huge, I'm gonna go climb it, see you!" [B]History:[/B] [Coming soon][/hider] [hider=Zaiden Winter][B]Name:[/B] "Zaiden Winter." [B]Age:[/B] "23" [B]Gender:[/B] "Male." [B]Sexuality:[/B] "Undetermined. If you're wondering why, it's because I tend to not be interested in anyone but I don't want to confirm myself as asexual. I remember I used to-- nevermind. It doesn't matter. Stop asking such odd questions." [B]Hair Colour:[/B] " "Black." [B]Eye Colour:[/B] "Amber. No, not brown. Amber. Can't you see?" [B]General Appearance:[/B] ".... No." [Description in third person because Zaiden refuses to cooperate.] Zaiden has tan skin and bright, animalistic amber eyes, with thick, dark hair and a lean, but strong build. He has an old, beat-up trenchcoat and black jeans with a pair of the most run-down looking boots in the world. He has hard features and if one were to get that trenchcoat off of him for once, they'd find his arms covered in scars. In fact, most of his body is like this, proving that he's been here a while. He's roughly 6'1", with longish limbs, including his fingers. If he were to find more clothes, he'd likely choose dark colours, or black. Probaby black. He has a sturdy stance and seems next to impossible to knock down at times, despite the fact that he's not really all that big. His hair's a little longer from having been here so long and it's clear he's tried to cut it before, only to give up in the end. He has a scar on his face above his right eye and his fingers are crooked on his left hand, as though they'd been broken once and not set properly. [B]Personality:[/B] "I keep telling you. No." Zaiden is quiet and thoughtful, seemingly aloof and distant, though it doesn't seem to be by choice. In fact, he can be quite protective of the people he's with, as if he felt a responsibility towards them. He can seem a little out of it sometimes, zoning out or looking off into the distance as if he were trying to see something. other times his older, bold side might slip through, he might say something strange or make a comment about something that seems to make sense, but came from nowhere. He acts like he might know something, but never says a word about it, giving him a sort of mysterious air. He's quick to think and a strong fighter, knowing his way around this world for the most part, but still not knowing what, exactly, is going on. He rarely smiles, and when he does it's almost always mixed with another expression, a hidden one that maybe he himself doesn't know anything about. Zaiden is a mystery,and only Dwyer seems to remember much of him being different. Bolder and more talkative, brighter, a true leader with charisma and all... but something happened and no one seems to know what it was. Not even Zaiden himself. "I keep telling everyone that I'm fine. Why are you all on this? Nothing happened." [B]History:[/B] [Coming soon][/hider] [hider=Alec Quinn][B]Name:[/B] "Alec. Oh, uh, you want my full name? Quinn. Alec Quinn." [B]Age:[/B] "I'll be 18 soon, I guess. How do you tell time here?" [B]Gender:[/B] "I'm a 6'3" girl with a low voice and a flat chest. Come on, what do you think? I'm a guy. ...Sorry, kind of on-edge right now." [B]Sexuality:[/B] "...Bisexual. No preference. Look, don't make a big deal out of it, okay? I got enough of that crap back at home." [B]Hair Colour:[/B] "Dark brown, but I dyed my bangs red, like bright red." [B]Eye Colour:[/B] "Green. Kind of a lighter green. I don't know. They're eyes, what do you want?" [B]General Appearance:[/B] "Really? But I don't really... ugh, okay. Fine. So, um... I don't know. I'm kinda tall, like I said 6'3", but not really that strong or anything. I'm pretty skinny (okay, really skinny), which should be obvious. My limbs are kinda too long and I've got a narrow jaw and big eyes and my hair's kinda always in my face. I'm also pale as pale can be when it comes to skin-tone. I don't tan (guess the hoodies and jeans don't really help that, though). Look, why are you making me do this? It's not like I'm all that attractive or anything... Okay, okay, fine. Since you keep insisting. I like to wear dark colours, usually black with red or dark blue or something but I came here in a black hoodie and jeans. Yes, there's a pentagram on my sleeve, no it's not Satanic, look again. Right-side-up, see? Anyway I usually wear Doc Marten boots or converse. Thankfully came here in Doc Martens, much more support than my crappy old converse. I also have fingerless gloves. Yes, I know they're pointless. Shut up, I like them, okay? ...Sorry, didn't mean to snap at you I just... I don't know where I am and the last thing I remember-- Nevermind. We're still on appearance, right? Um... I don't know what else to tell you. I've got some scars... don't ask, and I almost never wear short-sleeved shirts without a hoodie or sweater or jacket or something, and you're probably never going to see me in shorts. Ever. End of discussion. Anyway, yeah, guess that's me. I told you I'm not that attractive, get off my case." [B]Personality:[/B] "Do we really need to go down this path? Aye, fine. I just feel kind of weird describing myself.... So, I, uh... I guess I'm sarcastic. I make a lot of jokes at bad times that most people don't usually get and I'm kinda weird, I guess. I mean, sometimes I get mad, and when I do I get this overwhelming need to speak up when I really should be keeping my mouth shut. Then I [I]can't[/I] speak when I probably should and it's all backwards and I hate it. I'm also kind of awkward... more often than not. Yes, I'm aware of it, I just don't really know how to fix it. I'm not so good with social situations. I never know what to say or do or how to react. Maybe it's some deep psychological shit I've got going on, I don't know. Or maybe I'm just like this, who knows? I can get pretty passionate about things that bother me. As I said, I speak up at the worst times, and then I just keep going even when I know I should stop. And when I do stop it's like it all... shuts down and I can't say anything anymore. I get in trouble a lot because of this. I try not to drag other people into it, though, and I'd probably take a bullet for someone who 'seemed nice'. I'm just like that, I guess. If I think they deserve it, I'd do whatever it took to help someone and I can be a little reckless at times, mostly just with myself, though. I'm bold at times, quiet at others and almost always awkward as all hell. But I guess I'm pretty loyal too. I mean, I'd never leave someone in a bad situation if there was a chance I could help. Even if there wasn't, I'd probably still try. I can be protective of friends, I don't like seeing people get hurt especially if the situation is my fault. Oh and... this is probably the only time I'm going to mention this but... I have this problem with fire. Well, not just a problem, it's a phobia and not just some bullshit 'oh it's so scary, I don't like it' "fear", I mean a real 'I won't be able to move' [I]phobia[/I]. To be perfectly honest, though, I'll never admit it unless forced to. Even then I'll try not to. I just... I can't do fire, okay? End of story. So yeah, guess that's me... oh, and I love music. I mean, I really love it. Give me just about anything with strings and I could probably figure it out. Guitar (acoustic, electric, bass) violin, fiddle, cello, bass, you name it. I love music. I'm just not that comfortable playing in front of a lot of people... Wait, one more thing I should mention... I'm a Wiccan. Yeah, yeah, a witch. Whatever. Harm none, do what you will. And I stand by that. I don't fight. At all. I refuse to, even when I probably should fight back..." [B]History:[/B] "...No comment." Alec will meet up with the group in my first post.[/hider] [B][CENTER]Other Characters[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/8815/posts/ooc?page=6#post-233320]~Miles~[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/8815/posts/ooc?page=6#post-234172]~Hunter~[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/8815/posts/ooc?page=4#post-217065~]Lacie and Jace~[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/8815/posts/ooc?page=2#post-195708]~Menno~[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/8815/posts/ooc?page=1#post-194309]~Gabriel~[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/8815/posts/ooc?page=1#post-178862]~Aimee~[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/8815/posts/ooc?page=1#post-178578]~Ashe~[/url][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Plot[/B][/CENTER] Basically not much has happened yet beyond what happened with Dwyer and Zaiden. My plan is to discuss this OOC. My idea is that we will start with our first challenge, perhaps we have to find something, or fight something? I'll let you all decide what you'd like to do first and if you have ideas, feel free to shoot them at me.