Startled from her thoughts by a sudden collision and subsequent landing on the floor, Akemi cried out and looked up, seeing a young man standing before her. Evidently the person who had walked into her. Because obviously, Akemi would never make such a silly mistake as to walk into someone, herself. Totally ludicrous. Still, she allowed him to help her to her feet, dusting herself off afterward, "Thank you," she replied shortly. This boy didn't seem familiar to her, so he probably wasn't a student, despite how young he looked. The only other school that could be considered nearby was a private school several miles from town... though it was exceedingly rare for anyone from Warakuma to attend there for one reason or another. "...I apologise for taking your time," Akemi said, intending to head on her way. After all, time had to be precious for both of them. Think of the studying to be done!