"We must be weary of this tunnels if you do not mind me saying Inquisitor Xerxus sir. Even though we are blessed in traveling in such a sturdy machine, we must always keep a weary eye for the unclean." Father Christus warned. He knew that the inquisitor had every faith and confidence that they would make it through but the priest knew it was better to be prepared. Tunnels had always unnerved Father Christus. Not enough to pose hindrance to his missions to the Emperor but enough that he always felt uneasy inside them. Tunnels were always an excellent place to get ambushed by the enemy. The shadows always held one evil or another. He made a sign of the aquila over his chest, directly over his heart. "Emperor deliver us from harm." He whispered to himself. He then took a seat near the back, almost next to the door. As he sat down, he rummaged through his bag of belongings to find his Imperial Canon. He took out a large book with a symbol of the Adeptus Ministurom on it's side. The Imperial Canon held all of the prayers inside the Imperial Infantrymen's Uplifting Primer and even more. Prayers used in masses, prayers for the protection of the faithful, prayers for blessings of the home and so much more. It also held "[i]gospels[/i]", chronicles of the God Emperor and his deeds. They were usually told in masses to the faithful flock to remind them of the Emperor's deeds and to keep them faithful to the savoir of mankind. The priest held the book and placed it on his lap when he noticed Mary and Yehoved. The priest looked at Yehoved as her sister was asking the inquisitor a question. "Sister Yehoved." Father Christus called her attention. "Might you want to lead this prayer with me?" The priest asked.