[center] [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120612164345/starwars/images/3/33/Living_Force_Campaign_Guide_cover_PotJ.jpg[/img] [i]Luke Skywalker has been slain after leaving the Jedi Order after the events at the Mortis Monolith with his sister Leia Organa-Solo and long time friend Han Solo. The three of them were said to return after these events in 45ABY however have now all disappeared. Jedi are still searching for the Lost Tribe of the Sith and a way to stop Abeloth should she return however there are newer issues. Questions to be answered, where has Luke Skywalker gone? What will the Jedi Order do without him? Where will they go next?[/i] [b]OOC:[/b] Star Wars - A New Age is the first part in my three part roleplay plan. This first one will be based upon the actions of members of the new Jedi Order based out of Shedu Maad. For those of you who do not know what is going on at this point of time: The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances has secured peace throughout the Galaxy between the Imperial Remnant, New Republic and Hapes Consortium and more and more planets beyond the outer rim have begun to enter the greater scheme of things. We will play Jedi Characters investigating strange goings on throughout the Galaxy trying to piece together the bigger puzzle and work their way towards the source of the problem. However there is a greater problem, they don't have the support of the Galactic Alliance or any of the other governing bodies throughout the Galaxy and even support from their host coalition, the Hapes Consortium is starting to thin. --- Link to OOC is in my signature. [/center]