At the threat from the standing man Ellia rose her eye brows a bit and looked up at him through eyes still half clouded with sleep. Otherwise she made not attempt at all to move or at all ready herself for any kind of conflict "I am afraid to inform you I do not start fights..." she paused, yawning softly before taking a deep breath and continuing "...I only finish them." Before any more sparks could fly in walked the council member, and the tension that was hanging in the guilds air grew till it felt like a solid mass of unease causing the air to tighten about their skin. As the man called Fendron strode across the guild floor Ellia lazily fallowed him with her eyes as if the man before her threaten a fight was inconsequential. Though that was partially the case, if this fool was dumb enough to start a brawl before a council rep he would be easily considered to foolish to worry about. Before the kerfuffle between her and the standing man could start once more a girl approached and addressed them and the job board. She watched the short back and forth before taking a moment and closing her eyes. With the help of her Experience Shift magic she gave herself what felt like an extra few hours of sleep. A handy way to force a proper woken up state for the day. "Seems we have an interesting dilemma. This man called it first, you saw it first, and I was here in front of the board first." she said raising to her feet."I wonder, what would be the most fair way to handle this."