[center][img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080329145654/warhammeronline/images/8/89/Chosen_concept_art.jpg][/center] [center][i]"Make no mistake, if I wasn't in a pact than I would be doing the exact same thing I am now. Just without as much conviction."[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Kharn [b]Alias:[/b] Archaeon [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Being from the far north, Kharn has the features typical of them. A strong jaw, piercing eyes, and a body stronger than stone. Standing 6'7 and built like an ox, Kharn is the very picture of the savage northman. However he is anything but. All things considered, he would be handsome if not for several glaring factors. For starters, Kharn lacks the flowing locks known to his people as he shaves it as a sign of shame. Secondly, he has too many scars for any to consider dashing and many of them are just horrible looking. Finally, the most blatant disfigurement is the change. The gods of the north are fickle beings and they do not care if their gifts bring suffering. As is the case with Kharn. When he was gifted with his armor it changed him, body and soul. Kharn's body is black as coals, with glowing sigils of chaos branded into his skin. His eyes burn with an internal fire that seems to bore into your souls should he look at you and his teeth have become sharp and deadly. Even his breath has been corrupted as it changes into a reddish mist when he exhales heavily. However this is nothing compared to the claim he has upon his soul. [b]Personality:[/b] Kharn used to be a northman. He was loud, boisterous, and brutal. However he is still like this in many ways, he isn't like his old self. Now his is a slave to his commitments to the gods. Anything from killing a man to laying with a woman is a carefully thought out tribute to the gods. He may be a loud, boisterous barbarian but it is a front to his simple genius and philosophies. [b]Skills:[/b] [u]Sword & Shield:[/u] While Kharn is an adept swordsman in general, his favorite use of the sword is when it is paired with his massive shield which in turn can be on offensive weapon as much as it is a defensive one. [u]Horseback:[/u] [hider=Dorghar][img=http://media-curse.cursecdn.com/attachments/33/903/WARmount03.jpg][/hider] The north man and the horse are synonymous with each other. There is no Kharn without Dorghar and visa versa. The two have been together since Kharn was but a teen and has fallowed him into the pact, they even have similar changes. [u]Gifts from the Gods:[/u] As per the pact, Kharn is a champion of Chaos undivided. As such he has small bonuses from each god. [i]Angron:[/i] God of battle, skulls, and honor. His gift to Kharn is a resistance to magic and strength. However as he is not a full champion of Angron his gifts are diminished. The resistance only lasts against mid to weak magic and the strength is only slightly better than what it would be normally. [i]Mortarion:[/i] God of death, pain, and compassion. His gift to Kharn is an absence of pain, just as long as he deals it to others. However he falls under the usual problem of not feeling pain, underestimating injuries. [i]Magnus:[/i] God of magic, change, and truth. His gift to Kharn is the knowledge of tongues. With a glance, Kharn can read, speak, and understand all languages. Even long forgotten ones. However encoded messages escape him. [i]Fulgrim:[/i] God of sensations, pleasure, and love. His gift to Kharn is a boost to the senses. Every one of his five senses has been boosted and as such he feels everything much greater. In theory it doesn't sound all that great, but in action it has worked wonders. Several times in his life he has been saved by assassination attempts from feeling disturbances in the air. However for the most part he only enjoys the drink and women. [u]Crippling Overspecialization:[/u] Besides the skills presented, Kharn is very limited in what he can do. He has a good sense of puzzles and is actually quiet smart, but being a warrior has made him rely on his body rather than his mind. Plus his northman upbringing has taken away things like proper etiquette or manners that would be acceptable in most establishments outside of a tavern. Kharn know's this and just keeps the facade of "brutish northman no know how do!" just for the simplicity it brings. [b]Bio:[/b] Kharn came into this world from one of the center tribes of the far north, a sort of no mans land were your allegiance was to all the gods and not just one. However when he was born something odd happened, his mother died. When a child kills his mother it is shown as an important omen, for better or for worse Kharn was going to do something great. The omen seemed to come true as whatever he fought, he fought to the death and as you can see he has won every time. Eventually, he found that his tribal life was boring and that he needed a new challenge. Travelling to the very heart of the north Kharn took upon the trials to reach the top of Kar'Monog, the tallest mountain of the north and where the gods judge the worthy. When Kharn made it to the peak, he summoned the gods with the mighty bell that lay on its summit. When the gods answered, they found themselves impressed that a lone man would come to commune with them and decided to humor the mortal with their challenges. Angron sent forth the headsmen, a great daemon knight and his trial, to do battle with Kharn. During the trial, Kharn was taken to his limits as a warrior. The headsmen fought with a speed and strangth that bellied his size, giving Kharn many honorable scars that would remind him of this battle. However after many hours, the battle was won. Kharn stood above the corpse of the headsmen as it faded into dust. Along with gaining the favor of Angron, Kharn was gifted with "Skulltaker". Next came Mortarion's trail, fortitude. Plucking a fruit form his garden of plagues, Mortarion told Kharn to eat. With the first bite Kharn fell to his knees as disease ravaged his body and rot claimed his limbs. Gazing in horror as his arms fell to the ground, Kharn felt despair claim him before he realized the meaning of the trail. The greatest insult to a disease is to be ignored. Struggling to his feet, Kharn took a deep and ragged breath before yelling into the very face of death himself. Relief crashed into him like a wagon as his body came back to him, even better than before as it was now completely healed. Giving a jovial laugh Mortarion gave Kharn a spiritual pat on the back with his pact sealed and his gift given, the shield "Zaire". Magnus' trial came soon after. It was fairly simple, in theory. Get through the maze, that was it. However it was much more difficult than anyone could realize. The maze turned and changed with ever moment. When you went one direction you found yourself moving in five, then 10, then 20, on and on until you went mad. However after what felt like years, Kharn found the answer to the puzzle. Standing as still as stone, Kharn willed the puzzle to move for him and so it did. In a flash, Kharn found himself laying on his back and suffering from heavy dehydration. Apparently he had been in his dream state for several days, but it mattered not. He had made it through the maze. His gift was the pact and the armor "Twisted Aegis". Finally came Fulgrim's challenge. Kharn found himself transported to Fulgrim's realm, a place of pleasure and temptations. Like Magnus' trail it was easy in theory, just walk down the trail. However on either side of the trail lay treasures unending. Mountains of gold and gems, ripe for the taking. Kharn almost made the mistake of grabbing a small coin before remembering his place, this was a trial and not a charity. Moving forward, Kharn found the temptations ever more harder to ignore. Woman of unimaginable beauty, food and wine of divine flavor, the roar of crowds as they chanted your name in a zealous frenzy, and finally the peace of letting go and settling down. By the end, Kharn was a gibbering mess of pent up feelings and emotions that was about ready to explode. With but a gentle hum, Flugrim eased the pressure off Kharn's mind as he passed the gates into the real world. With his trail done, Kharn gained his pact and the changing of his body to its current state. Finished with the trials, Kharn became the first champion of chaos undivided. A warrior of all but a master of none, gaining all of the strengths but none of the weaknesses of his fellow champions. Traveling down Kar'Monog clad in his gifts, Kharn realized that the north had no more challenges for him to take on. Feeling saddened by this fact, he instead traveled south in a hope to find more adventure before taking his own warband. As he went farther south, Kharn met many more people and killed just as much. Quickly, he decided that he liked the south far more than the north and decided to stay. Eventually, whispers of a rebellion found their way towards Kharn's ears. Intrigued, he sought out these rumors until he found the source. Soon after he joined the Scarlet Masks after a showing off of his abilities. However he did have one condition. Should he kill a worthy opponent, than Kharn gets to keep the skull. Weapons: [u][i]Skull Taker:[/i][/u] A large, ornate sword that has seen more battles than Kharn is likely to see in two lifetimes. Skull Taker was forged by Angron himself, a gift to those he deems worthy to wield it. As long as Kharn lives and serves Angron proudly, the blade will not fail him. [u][i]Zaire:[/i][/u] A heavy shield adorned with spikes, the shield was crafted by Mortarion to protect those strong enough to ward off death while still reminding them of its weight. Zaire is extremely heavy and with the addition of his armor, makes Kharn not only a large target but a slow one. Due to the pact with Angron the shield is a little more wieldy but still ways him down considerably. [u][i]Twisted Aegis:[/i][/u] Kharn's old set of plate twisted by Magnus' magic. What once was a plain set of plate armor has been turned into a mockery of logic and common sense. While it is true that it is odd, it funtions exactly the same as his old set. In fact, there is no difference magically to his old set. It is just a suit of plate armor. However the eyes unnerve those who gaze too long into them. Other: I am one of them