[b] Name: [/b] Maximilian Tryant (generally called Max, however he prefers the name in full) [b] Date of Birth: [/b] 10/7/34 [b] Physical Description: [/b] Maximilian is in his early 40's and has a face to match his age, however being a diplomat is a tough and demanding job, as well as the knowledge that his home country could badly suffer from his failings. This has made Max's face to become a stern visage and he constantly looks as if he is deep in thought. He has a craggy and weathered lined face, with a strong jaw line, straight nose and a prominent brow that shadows his surprisingly warm, sea green eyes. Although a stern expression is usually on his face and smiles are few and far between for Max, he does have a pleasant dimpled smile that makes his face look younger. Atop his head sits a thatch of thick, unruly black hair that is streaked with grey here and there. Max stands at about 6'1, with a wiry frame and lean muscles. He is a slim build and has somewhat pale skin. As is appropriate with his profession, Max wears a three piece suit - a long black Cromby coat in place of the suit jacket.The shirt is white with long sleeves although they're often rolled up to the elbow. The waistcoat Is a stony grey with a black silk back,with 3 buttons- which are done up the majority of the time. His trousers are the same shade of gray as his waist coat and his shoes are a smart black leather with obvious wear. Atop his head he wears a classic black Fedora. [b] Image: [/b] I'm afraid I have no image at the minute, so I've provided a very in depth description, if this is too much of a bother I'll try and get an image for you. [b] Profession: [/b] Diplomat [b] Background: [/b] Max has loved his country from a very early age and has always wished to do much for it, he also came from a very powerful and old family and growing up with them effectively prepared him for a job in government which is something he deeply wished for. At the age of 18 he attended one of countries most prestigious universities studying Law and International Law, he left with a masters Degree in it and was recruited into the British government to act as a Diplomat from a fairly early age. It didn't take long for Max to make a name for himself in the political arena and fast became one of the British Governments greatest assets in terms of solving international issues. However the world was going down the fast track road to its own destruction and Max witnessed first hand the dissolution of the United Nations, due to the break down of overall international relations based over the escalating hostilities between Red China and the USA. Finally in order to prevent total collapse of European/American/Asian relations Max was one member of a team sent to America in order to reduce tensions on the global scale. Unfortunately things began to collapse at an alarming rate, all efforts of a cease fire was out of the window because U.S congress felt that they were invincible thanks to their win over the communist Chinese in Alaska. [b] Personality: [/b] Max does everything in his power to try and keep his country safe from things like human idiocy, this makes him a powerful nationalist and a cynic all in one. Max tries his best to be as upstanding and open minded as he can but with him growing older he soon developed a Master race complex, he see's anyone who doesn't think in the best interest of the world as people beneath him and are the bane of the human race, he would kill people like this with out so much as a single regret within an instant if he could get away with it. And due to the Americans unwillingness to cooperate in the best interests of the world he is having a hard time not taring all of them with the same brush. Max is also a very sophisticated man, as well as incredibly intelligent; many times has his mind saved him and his nation, and whenever he gains the opportunity to he sharpens it like one would with a whetstone to a blade. He tries to see if he can best others mentally, and treats life like a game sometimes, and this can put him in positions that he could have easily avoided simply by merely doing nothing at all, but he loves it and whats worse... is that he's good at it. No doubt it will one day be the reason why he dies. [b] SPECIAL: [/b] [i] Strength [/i] 3 [i] Perception [/i] 6 [i] Endurance [/i] 3 [i] Charisma [/i] 8 [i] Intellligence [/i] 10 [i] Agility [/i] 4 [i] Luck [/i] 6