Although the atmosphere was still a little tense, there was still some joy from a simple game like this. Elrithos was enjoying himself really, as he was experiencing a challenge he was taking great care of overcoming. He had watched the techniques of the others after his own throw, wondering how lightly they went. It was very surprising to see human beings being so good at something like this. It was so mundane, yet, it proved that even without years upon years of living, you can be good or even great at something. The desert elf kept his light smile as he tried again too, but yet again, failed at his attempt. Clearly, he wasn’t that great, but it took it quite well. Vordan, still sitting up, was watching this whole thing unfold. He also couldn’t help but keep a smile on his face. Finally, it wasn’t all about hating on each other. Sure, Tirian had been an ass towards Aaerynn but really, she probably deserved it. And so, Vordan crawled over to the nearest tree to lean his back against, simply relaxing and to his own things. His thoughts were lingering on many manners, but again, he wasn’t going to deep into the details for now. He had already enough problems with his own things… For now. He’d certainly do some snooping around. The first thing would be the sword, which he had a PRETTY good idea what it was now. It was to see if the twins had any idea. Eventually, people had gone to make their resting place, Vordan going to sleep this time… Pretty hard too. Elrithos had stayed up with the red-haired warrior. Contrary to him though, Elrithos had stayed seated near the fire, his eyes closed. You could still see that he was alert, conscious of his surroundings. He seemed into a light, almost hypnotic trance. This technique was developed for the desert warfare, as this let warriors rest with their senses still being alert. It was never suggested to do it all the time as it would tire someone out quickly the following days, but it was a great technique for a single night of waiting for something to happen. This had given him sometime to also think of what he saw earlier… What Tirian had done. Yes, it would have been necessary, but in such a brutish way? He wasn’t saying that he hadn’t done the same once in a while, but these were simple road bandits, barely able to fight. One stab to the heart, maybe the neck or swift decapitation… Not completely cutting someone in half. To add to it, his movements were not one of a human. He understood that humans were capable of great things, but his way of fighting was beyond human capability. Vordan had proven crafty, but you could clearly see, for a fighter, that he wasn’t of perfect skill. His thoughts lingered on the fact, knowing he would have to talk to him… eventually. ---- The morning was like any other for Vordan. Get some food, prepare some vials, make sure his gear was one properly, the works. Hopefully, they wouldn’t encounter anything. It would be a nice day if it was so. Luckily enough, he could simply keep his backpack in the cart. He would simply walked beside the cart that day until he needed to rest his feet. The only bad news was that he only had 8 bolts left for his six-shot, which meant every shot needed to count. Elrithos him simply warmed up like the other morning, practicing and stretching himself out for the horse ride. Everything was going fine, nothing out of the ordinary. Vordan was whistling a simple tune, Elrithos riding on his horse. It would seem that the day was going to be a breeze, up until Aaerynn simply ran off. Vordan simply looked at her go… NOW she was showing some kind of sign of life. Although, it didn’t seem to be for anything good. Elrithos also noticed and would have followed closely, but it was best he stayed back. They would catch up to her, that’s for sure. It still worried the Aavikanian. Both of them had their weapons drawn. The group approached the clearing, and already, Elrithos exposed his shock… Desecrated woods, littered body parts. What had happened? The elven warrior turned pale a moment, not being used to seeing something horrific. He looked around him from his horse, knowing that these trees had once been ancestors of these lands. It was one of many reasons why these woods were untouched by the human kingdoms. They knew better… Vordan, on his hand, was looking around, inspecting. He didn’t seem so shocked, just surprised. He walked around, looking at the damage. He was even going to inspect the wounds of the half eaten bodies, the black goop on the ground. He stopped beside the small pool of liquid and looked at it, pulling out a vial. He scooped some inside of the small glass container and looked at it closely. He wondered one moment, thinking what could have cause all this… Then he heard the Red haired warrior’s answer Orcs… Really? Orcs? That was his big answer? Was he stupid or did he just not notice everything around. He stood straight and looked forward, then back towards Tirian. [b]“Are you serious kid? Do you really think Orcs are capable of this? Look around you.”[/b] He opened his arms wide, turning on himself with crossbow at hand. [b]“THIS is not caused by savage tribes. And Trolls wouldn’t hang anywhere near this kind of source of fire.”[/b] With that, he went back towards the cart that had his backpack, starting to rearrange a couple of things on him, changing vials. He thought about it quickly, the possibilities that could be. He spoke his opinions out loud as he sorted through his stuff. [b]“ It could probably be [u][i]Canem Abyssum [/i][/u][/b](Spoken in old dead language). [b]Simply put; abyssal hounds. Slaughter, fire, desecration of woods. I would be something they would do. Although, with the black liquid on the ground over there, there might be undeath. The dead trees would serve that proof. Maybe a [i][u]Murmur Ad Ignem[/i][/u], even a [i][u]Tantibus[/u][/i] or an [i][u]Igneus Temerator[/u][/i]. One thing for sure, it’s nothing that’s supposed to be walking on this plane of existence.”[/b] Elrithos looked at him oddly… What was he talking about? He didn’t understand what he was talking about. Vordan wouldn’t explain himself for now, but he had some holy water somewhere in his bag… He was looking for it.