[hider=WIP] Name: Daia Age: 25 Gender: Female Appearance: [img] http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/17300000/Cersei-Seated-fantasy-17359169-600-450.jpg[/img] Personality: Daia is a woman of greed who steals and thieves all that she can get her hands on. She cares for nobody but herself, willing to go to the extremes to ensure her life is safe. However, she values her gold more than she values her life and worships extravagance more than she would a god. Daia prefers subtlety when it comes to her dealings and is a woman of manipulative stealth. She is careful where she steps and uses all assets to benefit herself. Skills: [u][i]Trident:[/i][/u] Daia is skilled with a trident and has excellent aim for when she throws the three-pronged weapon. [u][i]Stealth:[/i][/u] She is a stealthy woman who makes no sound when sneaking. She knows exactly where to step and how to step. The day she is caught is the day she is a man. [u][i]Lockpicking:[/i][/u] Due to her life as a thief, she spends most of her day picking the locks of vaults and has grown quite well at doing so. [u][i]Pickpocketing:[/i][/u] Many purses have been robbed because of her developed skill. Bio: Weapons: [/hider]