[b]Name[/b] Isaak Y. Prisco [b]Age[/b] 21 [b]Height[/b] 1.85m [b]Weight:[/b] 79kg [b]Appearance[/b] [img=http://s3.sidereel.com/cms/posts/266548/large/uploaded_file20130917-27431-1rt75hn.] [b]History[/b] Isaak was born in Rhodes, Greece. His was raised by his mother, an author. He never knew his father. When Isaak was very young, he and his mother moved to Los Angeles, where they settled. Despite his mother's fairly steady wage and her intelligence, the family of two ended up in a rough end of L.A. As a result, Isaak was street smart and also talented academically. However, the further he went with school, the more his life on the outside got involved - some street gangs and a few minor spontaneous crimes paid their price and he fell behind. He continued to excel physically and hoped of one day enlisting in the army, though his mother forbid it, citing that as her only family she would not want him to risk his life. Respecting his mothers wishes, Isaak instead pursued a career as a boxer. He quickly learned that he had great talent and by the age of 19 he was eyeing a professional career. At the age of 20, he was spotted by an agent who promised him a future as a pro, though soon later a certain flesh-eating virus began to spread rapidly and any future in an industry such as boxing seemed impossible. After discovering his mother was dead he and a friend fled L.A. and constantly moved across the country seeking safety. Somewhere along the way, they were attacked by a group of survivors seeking supplies - Isaak took a shot to the shoulder and his friend was killed. Narrowly surviving the encounter, he continued seeking refuge, now alone. Eventually, he heard word that Chicago was much safer than where he was, so he made his way there. [b]Personality[/b] Isaak will always treat people he meets as his equal, unless of course they do something to alter his opinion. Otherwise, he will try to be friendly and keep an open mind - this however, by no stretch of the imagination, means he trusts them. Isaak's philosophy of trust has been challenged and changed over the years by the wide range of people he has encountered, leaving him with little trust to give. Sure, he will try and act kindly towards everyone he meets, within reason, but unless you have his trust, all he sees you as is something that will help him survive for a little longer. Truth is, he'd rather be alone than with strangers, but he knows that would be ignorant. Survival is his first priority when in the company of those he does not know. He has been backstabbed too many times to think otherwise. If you earn his friendship and trust, he will no longer think of his own survival, but yours too. [b]Weapon[/b] Standard handgun, fair amount of ammunition.