Sachiko put on a pretend pout when Kami asked her what she wanted for her birthday. [b]"Tsk, I thought you actually knew me, Kami. Heh, well, I could always use a new pair of dance shoes or something...."[/b] He then went on to explain the real dilemma he wanted help with. Sachiko giggled as Kami's face turned red. [b]"Aww, is it time for Kami's first romance?"[/b] She was just ribbing him, but she sure was curious. Who wouldn't be, when your friend suddenly professes to having a thing for someone? [b]"Okay, so, serious advice; the simplest thing I can tell you is to get them something that will mean something to them. Anyone can buy a token gift like chocolates or flowers, and they might say it's the thought that counts, but something that shows that you listened will show how much you think of them. Like, knowing what a good friend of a few years might want for their birthday....."[/b] She flashed him a few second leer, but quickly changed expressions to show she wasn't being serious. [b]"Without knowing who this person is or what they like, I can hardly give you any specific advice. If you REALLY don't have a clue as to something they might enjoy, I think you have bigger problems than what to get them as a gift."[/b] Sachiko did think it was best to start with knowing a thing or two about the person, that much was true, but she was also hoping this line of logic would lead to him spilling the beans on who he liked. Sachiko definitely wanted to find out.